ITMO University Open Doors Day

+Going139 people already going


On January 26, ITMO University will host its Open Doors Day, where you'll be able to find out everything about studying at ITMO.

A fun and interesting day awaits:

  1. presentations of ITMO's schools, faculties and professions of the future;
  2. VR, robots, cryogenic ice-cream and real-life experiments by ITMO labs in the event's interactive area.

Participants of the Open Doors Day will learn about:

  • unique features of ITMO's specialist and Bachelor's education programs;
  • tips and tricks on how to prepare for enrollment and earn additional Unified State Exams points;
  • enrollment requirements for both fee-based and tuition-free places;
  • internships and employment opportunities;
  • scholarships and further education opportunities;
  • international partner programs;
  • extracurricular activities and the procedure of allocation of dormitory places. 

Preliminary program:

12:00 – 13:00  Welcome reception and activities in the interactive area (the first floor hall);

13:00 – 13:40  Presentation on ITMO University, information on the results of the 2019 admission campaign and 2020 admissions – Alexey Itin, executive secretary of ITMO University's Admission Office (Assembly Hall, rooms 461, 466);

13:40 – 14:00  Open mic for questions regarding ITMO University's 2020 admissions. The questions will be responded by the representatives of the Admission Office and educational tracks (Assembly Hall, rooms 461, 466);

14:00 – 15:00  Presentations of ITMO University's schools and faculties:

  • School of Translational Information Technologies – Assembly Hall;
  • School of Computer Technologies and Control – room 466;
  • School of Photonics – room 285;
  • School of Biotechnology and Cryogenic Systems – room 359;
  • Faculty of Technological Management and Innovations – room 461.


Everyone is very welcome to attend.


ITMO University


Ekaterina Altbregina, PR specialist
