SPB DHweek 2021: Explore Digital Humanities


SPB DHweek will take place on January 25-29, 2021 in St. Petersburg. The event aims to let everyone interested in digital humanities acquire new skills, get acquainted with innovative DH projects, and become part of a vibrant community of scientists and interns.

During the meetings, specialists in digital humanities and computer sciences will share their experiences in interdisciplinary communication and research.

SPB DHweek 2021 will let you:

    • learn more about digital humanities and creation of projects in this field;
    • master practical tools – from data parsing and visualization to speech recognition;
    • analyze trends and technologies that affect humanities;
    • get acquainted with mind-blowing projects in DH and meet their authors.
    The SPB DHweek 2021 events will be held both online via Zoom and offline at various venues. Detailed information about the event, its program, and registration form are available on the official website (in Russian).


    Everyone is welcome to participate


    ITMO University


    SPB DHWeek official website and VK page