The conference welcomed its participants in Madrid on July, 11-15. Daniil Chivilikhin and Arina Buzdalova are permanent participants of the “GECCO”, they take part in it for the 3rd time.
The students noted that topics of reports that they presented at the conference are connected with their PhD papers. Arina Buzdalova works on the method of evolutionary algorithm development. She has been working on this problem for several years designing different versions of this method.
“Reviewers marked my report as high-grade. They praised the content and also said that it is well-written and easy to read,” said Arina Buzdalova.
Daniil Chivilikhin presented his report on algorithms for finite-state model inference. Mr. Chivilikhin supposes that his research can find a practical application in the field of regression testing, which is used for checking whether new changes to a program introduce new bugs.
Previously ITMO University students also took high positions at the “GECCO”. Igor` Buzhinsky, the student of the Computer Technology Chair, was awarded as the best undergraduate student contributer to the Student Workshop at “GECCO 2014”.
Ulyana Malysheva
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