Hello Raman, nice to meet you. How are you doing?

I am doing great. Thank you for inviting me to do this interview.

Please introduce yourself to our readers.

Hello! I'm Raman Khan Ahmadi from a tiny village in northwestern Iran named Kuteh Kumeh. Right now I am enrolled in the Foundation Program at ITMO, but in a year, I will be studying software engineering with a focus on neurotechnologies, programming, and AI.

That’s great. You’ve come a long way from home – what was your childhood in Kuten Kumeh like?

It was awesome. I played around a lot with my friends. I was very mischievous as a child. My friends and I would go to the forest on a daily basis. I remember climbing on top of the tall trees and eating wild berries and fruits. We sometimes got scolded very hard for it as well.

Why did you decide to study in Russia?

I've really liked Russia since I was young. I am a Talesh and lived close to Azerbaijan, where I used to go to many Russian ballet and theater performances, art galleries, and classical music shows. I also kept myself updated about the famous places in Russia. I felt like Russian culture was very similar to mine. It provided me with a good feeling. I also saw many acquaintances of mine who became very successful after coming to Russia and thought that perhaps the same could happen to me, as well.

And why ITMO?

In 2013, on YouTube, I was recommended a video about a university winning the ICPC programming contest. At first, I thought it was an American university and was curious to know which one it was. But to my surprise, the winning university was located in Russia – a place way closer to me than I initially thought and which was well within my reach, as well. I did some research and learned more about ITMO. That was the very moment I decided to come to ITMO in the near future. 

And what motivated you to study software engineering?

Since childhood, I have loved working with software and really enjoy creating new apps. I think studying in this program will lead me to develop important skills that will help me achieve greater success in my future career.

How would you describe your life in Russia so far?

I'm really satisfied with my life right now. So far, I have been able to visit my favorite art galleries and theaters that I have wanted to visit for so long. Recently I visited the Hermitage with my friends. It was a really fun experience.

Raman in Peterhof. Photo courtesy of the subject

Raman in Peterhof. Photo courtesy of the subject

What is your favorite place to hang out in St. Petersburg?

I have been here for only a month now and I don't know a lot of places yet. But from the ones I have been to so far, I really like walking by the Neva River or simply sitting on its bank, admiring its elegance. Also, I really liked the garden in Peterhof. I have been there only once, but I have fallen in love with it!

That’s so wonderful. Where are you staying?

I am living in ITMO’s dormitory located on Belorusskaya St. 6A. It is a very neat and tidy dorm. The rooms are very spacious, enough to accommodate 2 or 3 students comfortably. The environment around the dorm is peaceful, too.

Have you faced any challenges since you came here?

Yes, on the very first day itself! My connecting flight from Moscow to St. Petersburg had a layover of about 1 hour, which I missed. I had to take the next available flight, resulting in a delay of 20 minutes. By the time I got to the baggage claim area, my suitcase was long gone and I could not find it despite all my efforts. I had to file a complaint for lost baggage and was very worried about not finding my belongings ever again. 

The next day, I got a call from the airport informing me that my luggage was found and that I could go and pick it up. I was overjoyed and relieved. In the end, I feel somewhat lucky, to be honest.

Some luck indeed! Now that you’ve begun to settle in, what do you like to do in your free time?

I spend my leisure time talking to friends, coding on my laptop, reading books about programming, listening to music, going to piano concerts, watching anime, or simply walking around the city.

Have you been to any other cities in Russia yet?

Unfortunately, no, but I really want to visit Nikolskaya Street in Moscow one day.

Why this street in particular?

Simply because it leads to the Red Square. This street is historic and beautiful. Taking a walk down this street towards the Red Square is a fantastic experience. 

Have you tried any Russian food yet?

Honestly, not so much. I generally don't like trying new dishes and I haven't really had the chance to try Russian dishes as of now. My favorite non-Russian dish is bastirma, a regional specialty from Astara. It's a duck stuffed with walnuts and placed in rice to cook for several hours. It's really delicious.

Raman with his friends in St. Petersburg. Photo courtesy of the subject

Raman with his friends in St. Petersburg. Photo courtesy of the subject

Oh, that does sound delicious! Lastly, what are your plans after graduation?

I would like to continue my education by pursuing a Master's and a PhD. Simultaneously, I would also continue developing a few personal projects.

Awesome. Do you have any advice for future students at ITMO?

Take professional networking seriously! A strong network of active individuals can help you navigate life's challenges more effectively. I secured my first job as a front-end Angular developer thanks to my precious network. At my job, I gained two years of experience in the fields of Angular and Oracle PL/SQL development, once again thanks to my networking skills. I would urge all of you to focus on developing your network smartly.

To boost your networking skills, check out the following articles: Your Network is Your Net Worth and Growing Your Professional Network as a Researcher: Tips & Platforms.