Canary Islands to host a giant telescope. The thirty-meter instrument was originally planned to sit atop the volcano on Hawaii’s Big Island.
Nanostructured transistor enables glucose sensing contact lens. By bringing together nano-enabled contact lenses and glucose sensors it may be possible to devise a single device that senses glucose levels and decides when to deliver insulin injections.
Bionic plant can sense explosives. Spinach plants become environmental sensors thanks to incorporated fluorescent carbon nanotubes.
First multicolor images produced by electron microscope. Black and white no more! Electron microscopes can magnify an object up to 10 million times, allowing researchers to peer into the inner workings of a cell.
Stressed out rats consume more alcohol. Now just because the rewards circuitry in both their and our brains does interesting things during stress, it’s not a carte blanche to get plastered during the finals.
Photo credit: The Smithsonian Magazine