According to Sergei Kashcheev, thanks to his colleges Alexander Grishkanich, Yulia Ruzankina and Valentina Elizarova, who took part in the project development by preparing required documents, researchers presented become the winners.
“A lot of Russian and international experts focusing on various fields as well as representatives of fuel and energy industry judged participants. We were awarded with a project grant so as to develop the system. Then we will have to show judges the results,” noted Mr. Kashcheev.
Russia and other countries produce oil in the largest deposits that currently become less and less productive.
To find new deposits one usually uses such methods as seismic survey and magnetic exploration. After choosing the most promising fields special search groups consisting of several researchers go to them so as to provide soil samples and geochem testing of the ground layer.
“All areas above oil deposits contain special molecules. After going through rock masses they are concentrated in lower atmosphere layers. Furthermore vegetation prevents them from being scattered by wind. This assembly of molecules can be detected by a hand sample selection or with the assistance of our device, which is installed in an aircraft. Our method reduces expenses and saves the search time,” shared the engineer.
A helicopter equipped with the devise flies at an elevation of 200-300 meters above a supposed deposit. Having detected an aggregate of molecules the system gets a receipt signal. Raman lidar combines units of laser, video-spectrometric and thermal imaging systems.
According to Alexander Grishkanich, there are different types of distance spectral analysis; most of them are based on differential absorption and fluorescence methods. Both of these ways are not perfect. For example, they don`t provide precise measurements in case of low concentration of particles. As for Raman lidar it has ultrastable resolution.