Search by tag «Campus festival» 5 results

  • Urban Scientist Steve Kuddins on Overfencing in St. Petersburg: Causes and Solutions

    City officials and representatives of the General Administration for Traffic Safety claim that placing fences improves road safety and protects the city's lawns. Still, the citizens of St. Petersburg are becoming more and more concerned with the "overfencing" problem. Do fences really decrease the number of traffic accidents? How can regular people influence the current situation? And why is involving the citizens the only way to solve this problem? Steve Kuddins, expert for ITMO's Institute of Design & Urban Studies, expanded on these questions during an open interview at the Campus Festival.


  • Campus Festival: How Studying Emotions Helps Urban Developers

    What are the rules and methods of creating the optimal urban environment? What is it that specialists from the Quality of Life laboratory do? And how can the citizens’ emotions help to develop new projects and urban development concepts? Aleksandra Nenko, head of the laboratory and Associate Professor at the Institute of Design & Urban Studies, expanded on the importance of art development and the collaboration of business and creative teams during an open interview at the Campus festival, while ITMO.NEWS put down the main ideas.


  • Associate Professor Vladimir Ulyantsev on Computer Science in Russia

    How can advanced knowledge of Computer Science be of use to common programmers? What are its applications, and how does one start a career in this field? Vladimir Ulyantsev, head of ITMO's Computer Technologies International Laboratory, expanded on these topics in an interview for the Campus popular science festival “Night of Science”. ITMO.NEWS recorded the main ideas


  • Campus Festival: Why Data Science Is All Around Us And Why Memes Are Folklore?

    Yet another Campus, a project that uses the city as a university educational festival,  recently took place in St. Petersburg. Adherers of popular science gathered in nine bars across the city to enjoy lectures by both students and established scientists. The topics included moonflights , the structure of Earth,  sunmobiles, transhumanism, the problems of modern communication, archeology and many others. ITMO.NEWS visited some of these lectures to find out why people confuse Big Data with statistics and why memes are so easy to remember.


  • Clothing Made From Bacteria, Electronic Tattoos, And Latest Virus Threats: What We’ve Learned at the Campus Festival

    From May 26 to 28, the Campus citywide educational festival took place in St. Petersburg; at different sites and spaces - from bars to the new stage of the Alexandrinskiy Theatre, - scientists, lecturers and experts shared on most important topics which have to do with modern science and our common future. "Events" was the topic of the session which took place at the Alexandrinsky Theatre: each year, there are hundreds of new inventions, but which of them will or have already globally changed our lives? Thus, Pavel Kuzmich, Director of ITMO's Computer Forensics Laboratory, explained what we've learned from the WannaCry virus, and Natalya Nikiforova, Associate Professor of the Higher School of Social Sciences of St. Petersburg State University shared about how clothing gradually turns into a complex interface.
