30th International Conference GraphiCon-2020

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We invite you to participate in the 30th anniversary GraphiCon Conference that will take place in St. Petersburg on September 22-25, 2020. 

GraphiCon is one of the largest conferences on computer graphics and machine vision. The event is meant to foster the development of computer graphics and associated fields in Russia, and improve the system of training in the fields of computer graphics, image processing and machine vision. It also aims at attracting talented students, specialists and researchers, and expanding the relations between industry and academia.  

GraphiCon-2020 will cover these topics among others: 

  • Intelligent solutions in computer graphics;

  • Scientific visualization and visual analytics;

  • Computer vision;

  • Processing and analysis of biomedical images;

  • Digital Earth and big data; 

  • Geometric modeling;

  • Computer graphics in education;

  • Computer graphics in materials science, lighting technologies and optical design;

  • Design automation and simulators;

  • Optical computing and design;

  • Artificial intelligence, cognitive technologies and robotics;

  • International Optical Seminar OS-2020;

  • Professional training in the field of computer geometry and graphics. 

The best papers will be published in Web of Science and Scopus indexed journals such as Programming and Computer Software, Scientific Visualization, Light and Engineering, and Bulletin of the Tomsk Polytechnic University. Geo Assets Engineering

The application period is open until July 1, 2020

Read more on participation and publication requirements here.


Specialists in the field of computer graphics and machine vision as well as associated fields are invited to participate. 


  • ITMO University 
  • GraphiCon Scientific Society 
  • St. Petersburg Society of Interface Design and Usability Specialists (UX-SPb)


GraphiCon official website

e-mail: graphicon@itmo.ru