Search by tag «Student Life» 99 results

  • ITMO Alumni and ITMO Ambassadors: Staying in Touch After Graduation

    ​Today, ITMO Alumni Association brings together not just the university’s graduates who live in Russia, but also its former international students. For one, ITMO’s alumni community in Bulgaria has over a hundred members, some of which still participate in ITMO’s scientific events. Many of the international students who are currently studying in St. Petersburg are becoming ITMO ambassadors ready to represent ITMO in their home countries. ITMO.NEWS talked to a few of them.


  • Winter Forces: Volunteering and Retreat Trip All-in-One

    On February 4-11, a group of ITMO University students traveled to the Tosnensky District in Leningrad Oblast, 53 km southeast of St. Petersburg, to take part in volunteer activities: shovel snow, chop wood, as well as perform concerts and teach lessons at local schools. All this was part of the national initiative “Winter Forces 2018” that aims to promote volunteering among the youth and foster values of healthy living. Members of the student team spoke to ITMO.NEWS about their experience of helping people. 


  • Russian Pelmeni: Not Just Student Food

    It’s breakfast, lunch, and dinner. A Russian version of instant ramen, a perfect comfort food, and a cultural phenomenon, Russian dumplings are the perfect dish to help you get through the winter.


  • Making the Most of Your Student Life

    As September rolls around, school and university students all over Russia start a new academic year. What is student life like? Some say that it’s the best years of their life, others just want to graduate and move on. But no matter how you feel about your studies, September 1 is always about new beginnings and a fresh start. On this occasion, members of ITMO University’s staff share their advice on how to enjoy your student years.


  • More than Beauty: Winners of Mister ITMO 2018 on What It Takes to Win

    Eight students from ITMO University spent nearly two months preparing for this winter’s Mister ITMO contest. In addition to spending long hours at the gym, the contestants also edited their videos, learned new dance moves and discovered new talents. In the end, the title of Mister ITMO went to Egor Marinenkov, a student of ITMO’s School of Computer Technologies and Control; Ilya Chistyakov of the Information Technologies and Programming Faculty became the “vice-mister”; and the audience’s choice award went to Konstantin Pervukhin, a third-year Faculty of Laser and Light Engineering student and a fledgling entrepreneur. The winners spoke to ITMO.NEWS and explained how they managed to prepare for the competition while studying and working, whether it is truly harder to perform on stage than to write code and why Mister ITMO is far from the usual beauty or talent contest.


  • KronBars Named Best Russian Student Sports Club Second Year In Row

    Results of the competition for the title "Best Student Sports Club" were announced in Kazan on November 25 at the All-Russian Forum of Student Sports Clubs. KronBars, which recently came first in an all-Russian SSC rating, was recognized as the best student sports club in Russia for second year consequently.ITMO’s student sports club also won in two other nominations: "Best Awareness-building Effort" and "Best Organization"


  • Relocation Tips: Perks of Student Life in St. Petersburg (Part 2)

    Last week we told you about the advantages students in St. Petersburg have when getting around the city and exploring its cultural heritage. But what about having fun and feeling the taste of St. Petersburg? Today, we’ve prepared a list of the privileges that students and members of ITMO’s Student Union have in terms of going to the movies and theatre, eating and finding entertainment. After all, studying at the university is much more fun when you also get to enjoy yourself every once in a while. 


  • StudentsUP: New Program by Department of Youth Policy

    If you want to become a successful specialist, you have to do more than just know your field of work - such things as your ability to work in a team and think creatively are also important. Those are the so-called soft skills - and you can train them, as well! This semester, ITMO's Department of Youth Policy and Student Council launch the  StudentsUP  program that aims to help students do that by attending workshops by business trainers and experts in the field of communication.


  • Relocation Tips: Perks of Student Life in St. Petersburg (Part 1)

    St. Petersburg, Russia’s “northern capital”, is renowned for its sights, culture and entertainment. QS Top Universities ranks it as the 78th best city in the world for students. To help you get the most out of your stay in St. Pete, we’ve prepared a list of the special offers and opportunities that you, as a student, can enjoy in our city. In part 1 of this article, you’ll learn about the basic and most important advantages of being a student that will help you get around the city and get to know its sights and landmarks.
