Search by tag «Artificial Intelligence» 150 results
Startup Pallium Promises Smarter AI
Pallium is a startup working on a platform for rapid learning, safe storage and easy deployment of AI models in a decentralized environment. Pallium is like a "school" where you can train your artificial intelligence or provide data or computing power to teach other AI models in exchange for rewards. Rewards are tokens that can be spent on training other models or withdrawn through an exchange. Pallium is currently a member of the Future Technologies acceleration program at ITMO University’s Business Incubator. How does it work and why do we need it? Find out that and much more in our interview with Pallium co-founder Anton Zhuravlev.
ITMO Hosts AI Academy Open Lessons
Can school students predict the outcome of e-Sports tournaments and solve serious tasks on data analysis? This week, Sberbank’s “Contribution to the Future” foundation launched the AI Academy project that aims to give every school student an opportunity to find out more about AI technologies, machine learning, and Big Data analysis, as well as develop their competencies in programming and mathematics. As part of this project, ITMO University hosted open lectures on machine learning and Big Data for 7-11 grade students.
10 Top Tech Trends of 2018: Part One
2017 was the year of cryptocurrencies and blockchain. The fuss around the latter has even become a meme - just remember the news about a tea company that succeeded in enhancing the value of their stocks by just adding the word “blockchain” to its name. Yet, which technologies will really make a difference, and what trends modern businesses pay the most attention to? This was the topic of the world’s biggest trade show of the consumer electronics industry - the annual Consumer Electronics Show (CES) in Las Vegas. In this first part of our article, we’ll talk about the five trends that experts have placed emphasis on.
ITMO Students Develop AI to Combat Car Insurance Fraud
A team of students from ITMO’s Computer Technologies Department has developed an algorithm that will help identify swindlers among the clients of car insurance companies. The program is based on machine learning, and can identify whether a particular car crash was was indeed accidental. The project was developed as part of RAIF-Challenge 2017, a competition for the development of ideas for business that make use of AI and machine learning. The students were awarded with an invitation to the Russian Artificial Intelligence Forum.
RAISON Developers on Using AI for Financial Analysis
On November 11 to 14, the d10e conference on financial technologies was held in Davos, Switzerland. Among the topics were FinTech, ICO, blockchain, sharing economy. RAISON, a project by ITMO’s small innovative enterprise “Intellectual Information Systems” (IIS) and Threesixty Elements S.A. was presented there. In the near future, RAISON will become an investor’s pocket assistant: the system analyses the market, news and historical data to advise users on investment strategies. The project is based on elements of the AI system AKIL.IO developed by IIS. Denis Zhuk, AKIL.IO’s sales manager and PhD student at ITMO, and Andrey Gordeychuk, head of IIS, talk about RAISON and the integration of new technologies into the investment ecosystem.
Emerging EdTech: Can AI Change Education
Why is taking online courses usually not so effective; is there such a thing as mosaic thinking - and can AI radically change the age-old system of education? EdTech Space, an online-conference devoted to new technologies in teaching, was held at the Webinar studio yesterday. Participants of the discussion spoke about brain science, AI and new approaches to education. More on how taking into account cognitive characteristics can improve an educational course, whether AI stands a chance to change the entire paradigm of the modern education system founded 1000 years ago - in this ITMO.NEWS material.
4C St. Petersburg: Soon, Everyone Will Be a Gamer
Every day, more and more people are becoming involved in games. Even non-interactive gaming video content attracts more viewers than HBO or Netflix. Games are no longer something enjoyed only by a limited group of computer enthusiasts; even if you never played Dota 2 or CS:GO, you become a part of the global gaming industry when you play your favorite smartphone app on the commute. Christopher Cataldi, co-founder and COO of Genvid Technologies, believes that gaming will continue to attract new users, taking over the audiences of other popular forms of entertainment. Global trends in game development were discussed by developers, owners and top-managers of companies at Wargaming’s conference 4C: St. Petersburg.
Machine Intelligence - Key to New Age of Creativity
Machine intelligence has a radical effect on various aspects of the human way of life – from business management to creative work. On August 24, at the Future in Tech: What’s Next conference in Moscow, Sergey Paranko, Media Ecosystem Development Director at VK, spoke about how the entertainment industry will change in the next five years and how that is connected to machine intelligence and social networks.
Yandex Expert Shares Rules for Co-Existence of Humans and AI
Machine intelligence, open source code and cloud storage are having a radical effect on business models, job market demand and human life. For companies to remain commercially viable and for people to remain employed, it is necessary to learn and adapt, as well as to break the stereotypes about the role of machines in society. As part of the Future in Tech: What’s Next conference in Moscow, Andrey Sebrant, Product Marketing Director at Yandex, spoke about these and other topics.
“Natural” AI: On the Way to Whole Brain Emulation
The concept of emulating the human brain with a computer first appeared in science fiction as a trope of “mind uploading.” Thanks to the phenomenal technological progress of late, a lot of science fiction has become actual science, and brain emulation is no exception to that trend. These days there are a myriad research initiatives intended to solve the technological and engineering tasks needed to achieve whole brain emulation (WBE). Some projects aim to aggregate the results of such research, detect global trends, encourage collaboration and determine the vectors of scientific progress. The Carboncopies foundation, where ITMO University’s Master’s student Ilya Sapranidi works as a volunteer, reviews scientific literature and research, encourages scientific collaboration and increases the awareness of academia about the risks and advantages of such technology. ITMO.NEWS has tried to find out how this unbelievable idea is slowly becoming a reality.