Search by tag «Algorithms» 32 results

  • New Library for Dimensionality Reduction ITMO_FS

    Students and staff of the Machine Learning Lab at ITMO University Laboratory developed a library for Python that helps to solve one of the key problems of machine learning. In this article, we will tell you why this tool appeared and what it can do.


  • Why Teach Robots How to See? Nine Burning Questions About Computer Vision

    How does a driverless car distinguish between pedestrians and trees? And how can Face ID tell whether it’s you or a thief logging into your phone? These and other tasks are tackled by specialists in the field of computer vision. In this article, Sergey Shavetov, associate professor and deputy dean at the Faculty of Control Systems and Robotics, explains whether a robot or an AI can be taught to see the world as a human being, why it is so hard and what will happen when it is finally possible. 


  • ITMO Team Joins the Silver League of Google’s Anti-Cyberbullying Competition

    Approximately 1,500 teams participated in the event. The competitors were tasked with training a neural network to identify toxic, hostile, and obscene comments in various languages among dozens of thousands of regular texts.


  • Campbell’s Law: Why Smart Technologies Don’t Always Make Life Better

    In economics and politics, Campbell’s law has been considered a classic one for a long time. Nikolay Rudenko, a research associate at the Center for Science and Technology Studies of the European University at St. Petersburg  and a lecturer in ITMO’s Science and Technologies in Society Master’s program, talked about this law, its application to the implementation of technologies, and the reasons why it doesn’t always go smoothly. 


  • ITMO University Scientists Recognized With Two Awards at Prestigious Evolutionary Computation Conference GECCO 2020

    GECCO 2020 is one of the most high-profile conferences in the field of evolutionary computation. This year’s event took place in the middle of July, with two papers by ITMO University researchers recognized with special prizes. Learn more in this article by ITMO.NEWS. 


  • Yandex Names ITMO University Student as Recipient of Ilya Segalovich Award

    Vyacheslav Shalamov, a PhD student from ITMO University’s Information Technology and Programming Faculty, is one of the recipients of the Ilya Segalovich Award by Yandex. ITMO.NEWS asked him about his scientific achievements, ideas, and plans for the future.


  • ITMO Researchers' Improved Text Recognition Algorithm Helps Analyze Century-Old Russian Texts

    Staff members of ITMO University’s Digital Humanities Research Center and Laboratory of Machine Learning joined their forces to teach an algorithm to analyze archival texts and identify names, titles, and addresses. Existing algorithms that were developed using contemporary texts often fail to process books and articles from the past, especially ones that are over a century old. ITMO.NEWS got in touch with the researchers to learn more about this achievement and the St. Retrospect project, a map of the city’s historically significant sites for which this research was conducted.


  • Digital Humanities Week: Physicist and Mathematician Ivan Yamshchikov on the Use of Algorithms in Humanities Research

    ITMO University is currently hosting the SPBDH Week Digital Humanities Week, which features lectures, discussions and workshops on interdisciplinary communications and research. Opening the event was physicist and mathematician Ivan Yamshchikov, who presented his research on the topic of “Data Analysis, Reproducibility and Living People”. The researcher also expanded on the use of algorithms and data analysis in humanities research. ITMO.NEWS publishes the highlights of the lecture.


  • Bioinformatics Specialist Alexey Komissarov on Gaps in Genomic Studies and Plans to Close Them

    It was not so long ago that bioinformatics specialist Alexey Komissarov joined the team of ITMO University’s SCAMT Laboratory, where he conducts the assembling and annotation of complex genomes of animals and humans. At the end of 2019, the Applied Genomics research group, which he heads, received a grant from the Russian Foundation for Basic Research. Their project will be dedicated to the analysis of genes and proteins in nerve cells of lampreys, which could help in the fight against neurodegenerative diseases. ITMO.NEWS met the scientist to find out more about his research.


  • Genome Goes Digital: IT in Genetics and Medicine

    Vladimir Uliantsev, head of ITMO University’s International Laboratory “Computer Technologies,” has presented the lecture "Bioinformatics: How genomic data helps study the origin of people and the mechanisms of disease development" at the New Holland Island Open Lecture Hall. Those who came to the event learned how today’s scientists acquire genome data, the role of programmers in that process, and what makes the results of that research so valuable. Find the highlights of last week’s lecture in the article below.
