Search by tag «Experts» 15 results

  • Choosing a Master’s Program at ITMO, Part One: Scientific and Corporate Programs

    Starting from 2018, prospective students thinking about studying at ITMO University can choose between different types of Master’s programs: scientific, industrial, corporate or entrepreneurial. Such diversification allows students to decide on their preferred development trajectory and choose the program that most suits their interests and career plans. In this series of articles, we join forces with heads of the programs and ITMO’s academic and industrial partners to give a comprehensive overview of different types of the programs the University offers, as well as career opportunities that they entail. Part one focuses on scientific and corporate Master’s programs offered by ITMO.


  • Master’s Degree ++ Conference: The Plenary Session in Review

    The conference “Master’s Degree ++: Coding the Education of the Future” has recently wrapped up in St. Petersburg. Organized by ITMO together with the Vladimir Potanin Foundation, it brought together the winners of the 2018-2019 Potanin scholarship contest, experts from leading Russian and international universities, and representatives of federal and regional government agencies, business and nonprofits. In the course of three days, participants took part in discussions and workshops aimed at identifying the best practices in the implementation of Master’s programs in Russia and worldwide.


  • WiDS Conference: How Data Science Helps Do Business and Identify Rare Diseases

    The main goal of the Women in Data Science international conference is to create a platform for experience exchange between successful women, establishing communications in the industry and consolidating their community. The idea originated at Stanford University, and now the event takes place in more than 150 places all over the world. On March 9, WiDS took place in St. Petersburg at the Higher School of Economics with speakers from such companies as Yandex, Biocad, etc. ITMO.NEWS put down the bullet points.


  • KonFest 2018: Experts on Development of K2B Market

    The development of digital intelligence, Big Data analysis and sharing services will soon bring radical change to the B2B market. How one can prepare for these changes and what has to be done in the educational system in this regard was discussed by the market's major players during the KonFest 2018 business conference which took place at the Erarta contemporary art museum on November 16-17.


  • Biking to the Top: ITMO’s 9th International Council Meeting in Amsterdam

    This weekend, ITMO University’s International Council convened in the Netherlands’ welcoming capital to discuss the University’s progress and exchange their views on the meeting’s main topic, ‘Shaping the future of ITMO University: academic environment and ITMO HighPark’.
