Search by tag «Russian language» 62 results

  • Writing as a Form of Art: Calligraphy in Ancient Russia

    Studying and writing go hand in hand, even in the digital age. So, for some inspiration as the new academic year begins, let's talk about how it was done in the past.


  • ITMO Graduate Releases AR App For Speech Therapists

    Recent years have seen an increase in the number of speech disorder diagnoses, including minor ones that can be alleviated with timely speech therapy. Anastasia Pivovarova, an ITMO alumna, has developed an interactive AR app to assist speech therapists in their classes with pre-school children. The app is currently undergoing testing at an educational center in St. Petersburg.


  • Not for the Faint-Hearted: The Longest Russian Tongue-Twister

    With a whopping 434 (!) words, a tongue-twister titled Liguria bears the title of the longest tongue-twister in Russian. What does it sound like and is it possible to get it all right?  


  • How Cyrillic Script Came to Be

    As you probably know, in Russia we use the Cyrillic alphabet as opposed to Latin. Why is that so, where did it come from, and were there other Slavonic scripts in the past?


  • Handling Everyday Situations in Russian

    It takes courage to be an international student – in addition to the usual struggles of academic life, you’re also supposed to adjust to a whole new environment. This might be hard at first, but we’re sure you’ll get the hang of it. Let’s discuss what to say in three situations you’ll probably find yourself in while living in Russia.


  • Speak Like a Local: St. Petersburg Metro and Districts

    What do the St. Pete’s metro and ballet have in common? And who exactly are Vaska and Slava and why are you meeting at their place? The answers to these riddle-sounding questions and some other fascinating did-you-know facts about our cherished city are to be found in the local metro lingo.


  • Russian Texting Slang Explained

    If you still can’t get your head around the Russian smiley and all those acronyms, we’re here to help you crack the secret code and pick up some go-to phrases for your student group chats.


  • Get to know ITMO’s Russian Language Teachers

    The first people international students often come in contact with are their Russian language teachers who help them take their first steps in their new country and give them the tools to navigate the language and culture as they settle in. ITMO offers a Russian foundation course for those who want to later enrol in an all-Russian program, as well as Russian language courses to support students through their degrees. There are many wonderful teachers behind all the success our international students make in learning Russian, and in this article we get to know a bit more about some of them.


  • Learning Russian: International Students’ Insights

    Although native Russian speakers can never relate to how hard it can be to learn their mother tongue, our international students do! Moreover, they not only struggle but also succeed. For this article, we asked them to share their top tips and useful resources that’ll make your path to mastering Russian fun and comprehensive.


  • Top Russian Remakes of Popular Shows & Series to Boost Your Russian

    What if The Office was about the everyday life of Russian nine-to-fivers and the main character of The Sopranos was not a middle-aged mobster struggling with his mental health but a Russian gangster from the ’90s? While some stories remain untouched, others become so popular in Russia that they get their own adaptations. Here are a few popular shows and series to help you explore the Russian language and culture through familiar sets and storylines.
