Search by tag «Psychology» 35 results

  • To Fear or Not to Fear: Psychologist Alexander Palin on the Nature of Phobias

    The first step to fighting your fear is to learn more about it. In this ITMO.NEWS article, Alexander Palin, a board certified psychiatrist and therapist, explains how phobias work, where they come from, and whether it is possible to battle them.


  • Building Resilience and Coping With Stress

    With the ongoing pandemic and increasing distance learning fatigue, this year has demonstrated (and still does) that stress and setbacks are unavoidable. While a bit of stress isn’t necessarily a bad thing, being constantly on high alert can affect both your physical and mental well-being. That’s why we must understand stress and know the ways to manage it in order to lead a happy and healthy life.


  • ITMO’s SciComm Graduate on Psychological Education: The Topic of Mental Health is Still Stigmatized in Russia

    In this interview, graduate of ITMO’s SciComm Master’s program Ekaterina Beltyukova talks about her project, in which she analyzed services helping people find therapists, and explains what psychological education is and why it is important. 


  • Don’t Panic: How to Keep It Together During a Pandemic

    The whole world is in a collective struggle against the coronavirus. Scientists are developing vaccines, employers are letting their staff work from home, and medical specialists are fighting for the lives of their patients. But there is another invisible battle going on, one where mental health is at stake. The experts of the popsci talk show Break It Down to Atoms (Razberem na Atomy) – Olga Vershinina, staff member of the Komarov Botanical Institute, Yulia Vymyatnina, head of the Department of Economics at European University at St. Petersburg, and Tatiana Kazantseva, senior lecturer at the St. Petersburg State University’s Department of Social Psychology – recently discussed what makes humanity so prone to panicking, why that’s dangerous, and how to stay sane in this era of uncertainty. This online discussion was organized by the Informational Center for Atomic Energy in St. Petersburg. Find the highlights below.


  • Procrastination: Blessing or a Curse?

    The internet is chock-full with tips on getting motivated: from watching pep-talk videos to making to-do lists. But any of these methods only work a limited number of times and don’t help us learn why we’re so prone to put off important business. During a recent lecture at New Holland’s ITMO University Lecture Hall, a clinical psychologist and founder of the Vdokh psychological support service for non-profit employees Olga Sorina shared insights into the nature of motivation, human needs, and self-control. Find highlights of her lecture below.


  • Social Animals: What Makes Us Human

    Why is it so easy to make us repeat actions after others? What does it take to turn a well-adjusted person into a sadist? And is it possible to fight our animal instincts and become our better selves? Psychologist and science communicator Vitaly Vasyanovich, who heads the pop-sci project Zanuda (“Nitpicker”), expanded on these complex topics in a lecture at OKHTA LAB.


  • Career Guidance for School Students

    In Russia, people aren’t really used to getting counseling. Still, they’ve gradually started to turn to professional help with particular issues such as career guidance. A career guidance expert can help a person to choose several promising options from the multitude of possible career paths, as well as suggest particular development strategies based on one’s individual preferences and ambitions. In an interview for ITMO.NEWS, Tatyana Klimova, psychologist from ITMO’s Career Guidance and Scouting Office, spoke about the best ways to choose one’s career and the associated issues.


  • Career Guidance for School Students

    In Russia, people aren’t really used to getting counseling. Still, they’ve gradually started to turn to professional help with particular issues such as career guidance. A career guidance expert can help a person to choose several promising options from the multitude of possible career paths, as well as suggest particular development strategies based on one’s individual preferences and ambitions. In an interview for ITMO.NEWS, Tatyana Klimova, psychologist from ITMO’s Career Guidance and Scouting Office, spoke about the best ways to choose one’s career and the associated issues.


  • Career Guidance for School Students

    In Russia, people aren’t really used to getting counseling. Still, they’ve gradually started to turn to professional help with particular issues such as career guidance. A career guidance expert can help a person to choose several promising options from the multitude of possible career paths, as well as suggest particular development strategies based on one’s individual preferences and ambitions. In an interview for ITMO.NEWS, Tatyana Klimova, psychologist from ITMO’s Career Guidance and Scouting Office, spoke about the best ways to choose one’s career and the associated issues.


  • Different Challenges, Different Teachers: Tatiana Chernigovskaya on Challenges of Digital Age

    Today’s computers allow us to conduct the most complex genomic research, and specialized software has long bested humans at chess and Go. Still, though we’ve lost to machines in terms of processing speed, our brain still exceeds the most powerful computers in terms of complexity. But do we really know how it works? And how can we apply this knowledge in the conditions of the ever-changing environment? Tatiana Chernigovskaya, Head of St. Petersburg State University’s Department of the Problems of Convergence in Natural Sciences and Humanities, talked about the new challenges in cognitive science during an open lecture at ITMO University.
