Search by tag «Adaptive Lighting» 2 results

  • ITMO Researchers Increase Productivity Using Smart Lighting

    You can’t help but notice that your mood and productivity depend on lighting. Many researchers study this phenomenon and ITMO scientists are no exception. Researchers from the Cognitive Non-Verbality Laboratory of ITMO University’s National Center for Cognitive Research decided to study this phenomenon and conducted a two-month-long experiment in the framework of which volunteers had to work in a specially equipped coworking space with different lighting modes. Discover the research results in this ITMO.NEWS article.


  • Smart Light: ITMO Researchers and Students Create Lighting System That Adapts to How Its Users Feel

    Authors of the project study the way the level of illumination and different color temperatures affect people’s emotional state and productivity. Based on a series of experiments, the researchers will create an adaptive system that will accommodate the working cycles of several people in one room. 
