Search by tag «ITMO.Students» 5 results

  • 4 things I Wish I Knew Before My First Year at ITMO

    As a second year student here at ITMO, I've gotten adapted to student life here and am more comfortable than I was the first semester. Here is a list of a few things that, if I had known about them before starting my first semester, it would have made my life easier and saved a lot of time and effort. As Russian is not my native language, I found some of the things to be confusing or easily misunderstood.


  • What Do ITMO Students Do in Their Free Time?

    When people think about students, they might imagine fun times. When people think about programming students, they may think about studying, libraries, and computers. ITMO students break all such potential stereotypes!


  • Do We Live In the Future?

    Yesterday my old grandmother asked me to show her my gradebook. Just imagine my explanations about online points, electronic documents, and no paper at all. In the end of our conversation, she told me that my stories are the same with sci-fi books about future which she had read in her childhood. So ITMO University shows us that we live in the future!


  • From the Capital: A Trip to Moscow

    The sky is clear. The wind is not so strong. The sun is slowly setting, and the tallest trees are as interconnected as any big forest by the road. Darkness is slowly becoming light. It seems like the last rays of the sun and the yellowing of the sky lasts only a short while and then the end of the day and the start of the night will begin.


  • A Day in the Life of an ITMO Student

    When I was in high school, my guilty pleasure was watching YouTube videos about the everyday life of different people. When I watched them, I dreamt about being like those people, living a life like they did. And now it’s my turn to tell some guys and girls that someday some of them will really live like that.
