Search by tag «Student Life» 3 results
How to Manage Studies, Work, and Personal Projects to Stay Sane and Kind
I find myself screaming "I don’t have time for this!" at people several times a day. It seems like someone vicious has stolen it from me just to see me suffer. At times like that, when you rush from one task to the other, unable to take a breath, it seems that it will never end and you can do nothing to make it any better. But actually, you can! In this post, I will tell you my four key principles that I use to deal with overwhelming times in life.
What Do ITMO Students Do in Their Free Time?
When people think about students, they might imagine fun times. When people think about programming students, they may think about studying, libraries, and computers. ITMO students break all such potential stereotypes!
A Day in the Life of an ITMO Student
When I was in high school, my guilty pleasure was watching YouTube videos about the everyday life of different people. When I watched them, I dreamt about being like those people, living a life like they did. And now it’s my turn to tell some guys and girls that someday some of them will really live like that.