Dr. Stephen Kershaw's open lecture on the study of quantum dots

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On November 21, Dr. Stephen Kershaw from the City University of Hong Kong will visit ITMO University to give an open lecture on the study of quantum dots. The lecture will start at 2.30pm.

The first part of the lecture will present the results of studies of the radiation of quantum dots of the near and middle infrared range, mainly on the basis of HgTe. The aspects covered will include the dependencies of the processes of the quantum dot medium nonradiative and radiative recombination and how these can be impacted. The researcher will talk about the modern method of quantum dot synthesis in aprotic solvents, which, in contrast to those based on aqueous or organic solvents, allows you to more closely monitor the reactions dynamics, growth processes and distribution of quantum dots.

The second part of the lecture will cover the principles of working with quantum dots-based infrared devices created by the specialists of the scientific unit the lecturer works at. These include infrared conductors, photodiodes and phototransistors used for gas analysis, automatic plastic sorting, etc, as well as a multi-element, HgTe-based phototransistor matrix detector and infrared photodetector. In addition, the lecturer will talk about the possibilities of improving the properties of HgTe-based quantum dots using nanoplasmon gold particles.


ITMO University students, PhD researchers and lecturers are welcome to attend.


International Research and Educational Center for Physics of Nanostructures