On October 21th, by unanimous decision of the meeting of the Council of Rectors of St. Petersburg, Vladimir Vasiliev, the rector of the ITMO University, has been elected to be the head of the St. Petersburg Council of rectors.

It should be noted that Vladimir Vasiliev will present the interests of the rectors of St. Petersburg universities not for the first time. At a meeting held at the St. Petersburg State University of Economics, Vladimir Vasiliev was unanimously elected to be the head of the Council of Rectors for the third term.

All the members of the meeting highly appreciated the work done by the rector of the ITMO University within the Council of Rectors of St. Petersburg, as well as his significant contribution to the activities of the organization. During his presidency, Vladimir Vasiliev was able to solve many urgent tasks not only on the high school level, but also at the level of city. Today, thanks to the work of Vladimir Vasiliev, according to members of the Council of Rectors, the living conditions of students in St. Petersburg have been significantly improved, and the latest innovative approaches and educational technology were brought to the university life to meet international standards. Moreover, the successes of the ITMO University, the head of which is Vladimir Vasiliev, were marked at the meeting.

"I am honored to become the representative of the interests of all St. Petersburg universities once again”, Vladimir Vasiliev, the rector of the ITMO University, the head of the Council of Rectors of St. Petersburg, says. “After all, we are pursuing a common goal to improve the quality of education, innovation introduction, science development and improving the learning environment and life of students of all universities".

Once again, Vladimir Vasiliev will be the person who will speak on behalf of the heads of 83 universities of the city, which employ about 30 thousand representatives of the faculty and train almost 350,000 students.