Search by tag «Science» 163 results

  • Picture of the Week: Hematite Crystals in Glass

    Once you put particles of hematite in glass, it becomes attracted to magnets, remaining transparent at the same time.


  • Media Research Group’s Aleksandr Farseev On Advertising Algorithms and Social Network Monopolies

    During the past three years, a team of researchers from the Machine Learning Lab has been studying artificial intelligence in the field of social network analysis. Aleksandr Farseev, the head of the team, discussed tasks they worked on and the results they achieved.


  • New Historical Exposition Set to Open in Russia’s Oldest Science City

    The Pavlov Institute of Physiology in St. Petersburg plans to renew and expand its historical exposition dedicated to the life and work of Russian physiologist Ivan Pavlov in Koltushi. ITMO University professor Irina Aktuganova will take the lead in the creation of the renovated museum. 


  • Picture of the Week: A Holographic Prism

    The prism can be used to calibrate devices with angular scales. Beams produced by this prism went through liquid nitrogen. As it disperses them, they become clearly visible.


  • Bioinformatics Explained

    DNA structure was discovered almost 70 years ago. Nowadays, scientists are not only able to decode the genome, but also to identify the functions of each gene and its sequences, as well as edit genes and create new ones. It all became possible thanks to the development of computer technologies and a new field of studies called bioinformatics.


  • Two ITMO University Students Named Among St. Petersburg’s Top Graduates of 2020

    On September 18, an annual awards ceremony was held at the Peter and Paul Fortress to honor the best graduates of St. Petersburg’s universities. Two ITMO Master’s students – Ksenia Oreshkina and Egor Nevezhin – received the Bronze Sphinx awards. Learn more about the ceremony and the graduates’ achievements in this article by ITMO.NEWS.


  • ITMO University Launches an Online Course on Climate and Journalism

    ITMO University’s Science Communication Center is launching a six-week course for everyone who’s interested in climate change, wants to learn more about it, and make a difference. Learn more about the course in this ITMO.NEWS article.


  • Metanano 2020 on Gender Inequality in Science

    The METANANO 2020 International Conference on Nanophotonics and Metamaterials has included a round-table discussion regarding gender diversity in science. The participants of the round table were scientists from France, Germany, Switzerland, and Russia. In this article, ITMO.NEWS sums up the main points of this online discussion.


  • Picture of the Week: Magneto-Active Glass-Ceramics

    This material allows scientists to create important elements for optical isolators to be applied in optic communication lines. In the picture, you can see the way it glows in a magnetic field.


  • Medical Discoveries That Changed the World

    How did discoveries that were made in the 20th century influence what we know about diseases? How can the discovery of DNA structure help us fight COVID-19? Olga Shestova, a physiologist, PhD, and author of the 30 Nobel Prizes: Discoveries That Changed Medicine book, gave an open lecture about the key scientific breakthroughs that had a huge impact on humankind. We summarized it for you.
