Search by tag «Education» 210 results

  • Winter Schools to Join This Year

    We made a list of the best winter schools to study VR development, Python programming, game design, meta-analysis, and social entrepreneurship.


  • ITMO.Mentors Project Helps Students Work and Grow

    Students who join the ITMO.Mentors program spend three months learning to work as mentors – teaching assistants to ITMO University staff – and official employees of the university. This year, more than 250 participants are taking part in the first run of the initiative.


  • Battleships and Electrons: ITMO Student Develops a VR Game for Chemistry Students

    The game gives players a chance to act as captains of space fleets and destroy all enemy ships. But to figure out the coordinates of the ships, they will have to remember the quantum numbers that describe the electrons in an atom.


  • New Coworking Space Opens at ITMO’s Kronverksky Campus

    A new coworking space is now available at ITMO’s building on Kronverksky Prospect. Here, you can study, socialize, use a computer, and test your projects in the VR area. Read more about the space’s equipment and the opportunities it offers in this article by ITMO.NEWS.


  • 100 Free Courses from Coursera: Seize the Opportunity

    Coursera has opened access to 100 courses developed by the leading companies and universities. We’ve made a compilation of free courses in computer science, cloud technology, business, and other fascinating fields of study.   


  • New Dean of Biotech Mikhail Kurushkin about the Future of the Faculty

    Before the start of this academic year, the Faculty of Food Biotechnology and Engineering got a new name and is now the Faculty of Biotechnologies (or Biotech). ITMO.NEWS talked to Mikhail Kurushkin, the newly appointed dean of the faculty about his plans for Biotech’s future development.


  • Blended Learning: Best of Online and Offline

    ITMO University has recently hosted an online intensive course for university staff on the subject of blended learning and digital competencies. Below you’ll find our notes and highlights from the tips shared by speakers Aleksandr Maiatin, Aleksandra Shparberg, and Joseph Taylor.


  • 5 Questions to The Rector

    Recently, Forbes Education published an interview with Vladimir Vasilyev, Rector of ITMO University, Professor, and corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences with a Doctor of Science in Engineering. Here is our translation of the original article. 


  • Authors of Best Graduation Papers Among 2020 Graduates Announced

    ITMO University has named 11 winners of the annual competition for the best final qualification research work (FQRW) among Bachelor’s and Master’s graduates in 2020.


  • New Academic Year Begins at ITMO: What to Expect (Pt. II)

    The new academic year at ITMO University begins on September 1, 2020. Classes will take place in the blended format – both on-site and via remote technologies. What is distance learning? How can you opt for it? The university’s Department of Academic Affairs has prepared answers to questions commonly asked by students and staff. Find the first part of this article here.
