Search by tag «Main» 2155 results

  • 10 Secrets to Expat Life In St. Petersburg

    So, you've packed up your life, said goodbye to your childhood friends, family, colleagues and are now ready to take a huge leap into the unknown: moving to another country. Probably the first thing you are going to do is to look for some new friends. While that’s terrifying, it can also be very exciting. St. Petersburg, and Russia in general, is a great place to be a foreigner. There is a culture of hospitality in Russia and foreigners are often treated like celebrities, especially if they speak English, as everyone is excited to learn and practice new languages.


  • 10 Movies for a Summer Night-In

    Movie Fridays is officially one year old, and we are celebrating by going back to the series’ roots: summer film recommendations. Dramatic and melancholic, flamboyant, buoyant and adventurous, you won’t go wrong with one or all of these for a great cinematic binge!


  • How to Apply for (And Get) the Chevening Scholarship

    The Chevening scholarship is one of the world’s most well-known and prestigious and covers students’ full costs of Master’s education at any university in the UK, as well as some of the living expenses. The competition is tense, with some 30 times more applicants than there are open spots. But getting a Chevening scholarship is still doable if you put in the effort, believes Asya Kazantseva, a popular Russian science journalist and writer. This year, she was awarded a scholarship to study in a Master’s program in molecular neurobiology at the University of Bristol. During a recent open lecture in St. Petersburg, Ms. Kazantseva shared a few tips and warned of the common pitfalls made by Chevening applicants.


  • Summer Camp in Optical System Design: Teaching Students Practical Skills

    This summer, ITMO University held the Camp in Optical System Design for the fifth consecutive year. It welcomed participants from Turkey, Germany and Belarus, as well as from other Russian universities. We caught up with Sahin Umsu from Turkey and Natalia Erhova from Moscow, Russia to learn about their experience. 


  • This Weekend in St. Petersburg: July 20-21

    Paddleboarding carnival, music festival, flower festival, French cinema, experimental cinema, an al fresco book fair, art exhibition and a study into the impressionists: it’s time to plan your weekend with our guide to Sat-Sun events in St. Petersburg!


  • Crash Course in Photonics: Part 2

    We continue to explore what makes photonics so cool – and why thousands of scientists around the world are drawn to this field.


  • Summer Foods We Love

    Hot town, summer in the city… It’s summer, and if the sun is starting to get on your nerves, you’re probably aching for something fresh, cool, and delicious to keep you sane. In this article, the staff of our editorial office share some of their favorite summer delights. Check them out – you just might discover your next go-to snack!


  • Walk Like a Russian

    St. Petersburg is made for walking and that’s just what we’ll do, thought the participants of a growing movement of long-distance walkers, lacing up their sneakers. You, too, can explore the city on foot, and make some new friends while you’re at it.


  • The Planets by Prof Brian Cox: The Actual Best

    The coolest physicist of all time has come out with a new documentary series that travels through space and time to tell the mystifying story of the Solar System. Our verdict? Mind-blowing, mind-boggling and breath-taking, with a side of first-class entertainment


  • This Weekend in St. Petersburg: July 13-14

    Tours of the most elegant and romantic sailboats, classical and contemporary music in cool venues, and an amazing summer fair at the Sevkabel Port – you’ll find it all in our weekly roundup of the city’s best Saturday and Sunday events!
