Search by tag «ITMO.Expert» 19 results

  • Online vs Offline: How to Find Common Ground With Students as a Teacher

    How do you capture the students’ attention in a Zoom class? How do you collect useful feedback? And what’s the best way to deal with conflicts? A webinar titled “Issues in Teacher-Student Communication Online and Offline” recently took place as part of the ITMO.Expert professional development program. Vera Shavrina, a psychologist at ITMO University’s Center for Inclusive Education, explained how to establish communication with students during online classes, maintain their interest in the subject, and successfully handle any emerging conflicts.


  • MOOCs for Everyone: How to Create an Effective and Useful Online Course

    Online education is a widespread trend that is only gaining in popularity. There are more and more courses by the world’s best universities appearing on various platforms. An original online course has become not so much an element of prestige than a vital necessity for confirming one’s status as a successful educator. Asel Romanova, a lecturer at ITMO University’s Faculty of Software Engineering and Computer Systems and the author of several programming MOOCs, shared her experience and practical advice on how to create effective and interesting online courses. Her presentation took place as part of the ITMO.Expert project.


  • Active Learning: 7 Ways to Increase Students’ Motivation and Engagement

    As part of the ITMO.EXPERT project, ITMO University held a workshop on the strategies of active learning. Participating as speakers were the ITMO lecturers who’d recently completed an internship at Central European University (CEU) in Budapest, Hungary: Anna Balabanova, a tutor at Foreign Language Training Center; Stanislav Kim, an engineer at the Faculty of Control Systems and Robotics; and Ivan Loginov, an assistant at the Faculty of Software Engineering and Computer Systems. More on the seven key active learning concepts discussed at the workshop in this article by ITMO.NEWS.


  • Results of ITMO.EXPERT Project for ITMO Lecturers

    The second season of the ITMO.EXPERT project has recently ended at ITMO University. The project brought together some 145 ITMO educators and featured a series of workshops dedicated to the use of modern technologies in education. 


  • 10 ITMO University Lecturers Will Intern at University of York in 2019

    Ten ITMO University lecturers will go to University of York in 2019 to participate in an international professional development program, aimed at helping them improve their educational programs and familiarize themselves with the UK’s educational system.


  • Mind Maps, Open Spaces, and Cooking Contests: ITMO Staff Visit UK’s Oxford Brookes University

    Today, universities aim not only to educate their students but also to create a comfortable environment for the personal and professional development of their students and staff. Teachers and tutors from ITMO University learned how this is done at one of the UK’s top universities during their visit to Oxford Brookes University. They later shared their experiences and impressions as part of the ITMO.EXPERT project. 


  • Grant Applications No Longer a Headache: Potanin Scholarship Lifehacks from Successful Contestants

    The application process for the Potanin Scholarship Program for academic staff will close in two weeks. ITMO.NEWS has already covered the process of applying for a Vladimir Potanin Scholarship as a student. Now it is ITMO lecturers’ turn to share their experiences of winning the grant. Last year, Deputy Director of the Science Communication and Outreach Office Daria Denisova participated in the ‘New…’ category and won a scholarship for completing her ‘Navigator for a science popularizer’ project, while Faculty of Technological Management and Innovations professor Tatyana Maksimova, together with a group of colleagues, was awarded a grant in the ‘Study program’ category. Here are their tried-and-tested life hacks to help you increase your chances of success both in the Potanin Scholarship contests and other grants out there!


  • ITMO.EXPERT: Results and Plans for the Future

    The results of a series of workshops for teachers, organized as part of the ITMO.EXPERT project, have been summed up. The project aimed at helping teachers use digital technology in their work and make the educational process more effective.


  • ITMO.EXPERT Project Lets Educators Share Digital Teaching Experience

    ITMO University has launched the ITMO. EXPERT  project, aimed at helping teachers use digital technology in their work and make the educational process more effective. Some of ITMO’s academic staff have already taken part in three courses so far: digital tools, teamwork, and game technology in education.
