Search by tag «Lasers» 35 results

  • ITMO University Scientists Develop Laser for High-Precision Satellite Navigation

    Scientists from ITMO University’s Research Institute of Laser Physics have developed a high-power laser with short pulse duration for use in a lunar laser locator. The locator will make it possible to measure the distance between the Moon and Earth with a margin of error of just a few millimeters. This would make it possible to correct calculations of celestial coordinates of the Moon in order to improve the accuracy of satellite navigation systems. An article on the new laser was published in Optics Letters.


  • Holographic Quantum Dot Laser in Progress

    How can we make a laser that will work effectively on low pump energy, be quite small and will allow dynamically changing the output radiation spectrum?  Vladimir Borisov, a  PhD  student at ITMO’s Department of Photonics and Optical Information Technologies, has won a grant of the Russian Foundation for Basic Research for creating just such a laser. One of the advantages of the new device is that the resonator is placed in the active laser medium, which simplifies the design while changing the resonator itself; it is created by  holographic  grating and uses quantum dots as photon sources.


  • Lasers&Photonics Congress: Quantum Dots and Topological Insulators

    The 18th Lasers&Photonics Congress has just kicked off in St. Petersburg; it includes several conferences, schools for young scientists and students, and an exhibition on laser and optoelectronic technologies. The main topics of the congress are: research into quantum dots and their practical application in lasers, a new concept of lasers based on topological insulators, as well as the possibilities offered by the European X-ray free-electron laser (XFEL), experiments on which began last autumn. These topics were discussed during the plenary presentations by the event’s main speakers. The congress is organized by ITMO University together with its partners. 


  • Scientists Propose New Type Of Terahertz Solid-State Laser

    A team of scientists from ITMO and Vladimir State University have proposed a new type of a solid-state terahertz laser. According to their research, such laser will be more efficient compared to existing devices, as well as allow stepless frequency tuning. In future, the proposed model which is based on the use of gallium-nitride quantum dots can lay the groundwork to creating a compact solid-state source of terahertz radiation that can be effectively applied in medicine, security systems, and other fields. The results were first published in ACS Photonics journal, and a separate review of the research was included in Nature’s “News and Views”.


  • ITMO Fellowship Stories: 'Science is Our Common Language'

    Tatiana Itina, PhD, of the Laboratoire Hubert Curien at the French National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS), recently worked with ITMO’s International Laboratory "Laser Micro-and Nanotechnologies” on a project titled “Mechanisms Involved in Ultrashort Laser Interactions Used for Ultra-precise Nano-structuring of Optical Materials”. Ms. Itina shared with us her insights on building an international career, succeeding as a female researcher, and on what’s next in science.


  • Promising Projects: ITMO to Fund Innovative Ideas by Young Scientists (Part 1)

    In late September, the public sessions of selection panel of R&TD projects were held at ITMO University. Over the two days, young scientists presented more than 20 projects; the winners will receive financing from ITMO University. ITMO.NEWS is here to describe the winning projects and their developers’ visions for the future.


  • ITMO Student Joins Research at XFEL

    When the European X-ray free-electron laser (XFEL) was inaugurated on September 1, a whole range of opportunities became available to the world's scientists - opportunities they could only dream of before. Soon, the new facility will contribute to new advances that seemed impossible due to the lack of equipment this powerful. Dmitrii Potorochin, a PhD student at ITMO University, will become the first to go study at a joint educational program by ITMO University and Freiberg University of Mining and Technology to work on new projects for XFEL. In an interview for ITMO.NEWS, he spoke with us about his expectations, his scientific career and what one has to do to participate in major scientific research projects


  • Scientists Achieve Breakthrough in Polariton Laser Technology

    An international scientific team has modeled and conducted an experiment in the course of which they have managed to produce an electrically pumped spin-polarized polariton laser. This allows for a reduction in the laser’s energy consumption levels and control over the output polarization. This is achieved thanks to the use of magnetic materials in the device’s contacts: the electrons that come into contact with the laser have a preferred spin direction, which allows for effective spin pumping. Polariton lasers are very promising for the very reason that they do not require high amounts of energy. In addition, they work at room temperatures. Due to this, they can be used in portable electronics, optical computers and communication devices. Results of the experiment have been published in Physical Review Letters.


  • Great Prospects, Great Expectations: European XFEL Inaugurated

    On September 1st, the world’s most powerful X-Ray Laser XFEL was officially inaugurated. The set-up provides completely new insights into chemical and biological reactions and other physical processes on a nanoscale, and can even record them as “molecular movies”; thanks to this, scientists will have the opportunity to study processes that cannot be detected otherwise. Among other famous guests, ITMO’s Rector Vladimir Vasilyev and Vice-Rector for International Relations Daria Kozlova took part in the opening ceremony.


  • ITMO Scientists Working on New Generation of Aircraft Fire Safety

    ITMO University’s International Laboratory Mechanical Engineering and Electrical Systems is developing a fire safety system for modern aircraft. The project is planned to include the creation of a multispectral security system that will vastly improve the accuracy of smoke particle detection and reduce the percentage of false alarms. The designers say that the system may also be used in industrial environments to keep track of harmful substances in the air.
