Search by tag «Video Games» 37 results

  • Your Guide to Gaming in Fall-Winter of 2020

    If this year’s many weeks of self-isolation haven’t already made you an adept of the gamepad and keyboard, then the fall-winter season surely will: the cold, long nights combined with a slew of anticipated releases and a whole new generation of consoles make for a potent mixture. Let’s go ahead and take a glance at all the things 2020 still has in store.


  • ITMO University Holds Closing Ceremony of 9th Congress of Young Scientists in Minecraft

    This year, the winning participants of the Congress of Young Scientists were invited to a closing ceremony held in the blocky format of the video game Minecraft. The winners visited virtual classrooms, the assembly hall, and cafeteria, while the most adventurous ventured into the rector's office. The hosts promised that the event would be held in full despite the quarantine, leading them to pick a different approach to the traditional tour of the University. 


  • Five Nintendo Switch Games to Brighten Up Your Holidays at Home

    The Nintendo Switch is becoming popular all over the world and the quarantine is no doubt a contributing factor. As we all seem to be stuck at home even for May holidays, here’s a list of fascinating single-player games to set out on an adventure straight from your couch.


  • ITMO's First Game Development Graduates on Russian GameDev and Their Careers

    Three years ago, the Master’s program in Game Development Technologies was launched at ITMO University. There are two specializations: Game Design and In-Game Technologies, which includes game engine development and artificial intelligence programming. During their studies, students of this program participated in creating applications for the 2019 Minsk European Games and WorldSkills Kazan 2019. Now, they work at major game development companies. We asked the first graduates to tell us about their career paths, and experience they gained at the university.


  • Safe and Social: Video Games to Play in Self-Isolation

    Finally, there’s a perfectly good excuse to escape into the gripping world of online gaming – you can now get Physical Education credits for winning! As we hunker down to self-isolate, video games can also be a safe and fun way to connect with friends and strangers, and never be alone. Check out our brief guide to interactive genres and hold onto your gamepads!


  • How to Find Your Favorite Video Game Genre

    Gaming is booming but you’re not sure how to get in on the action? Feel like trying your hand at world-building or impossible missions? Check out our nifty guide to help you navigate the diverse world of video game genres and find the best fit for you.


  • Ready Player One: Games We Play Over the Holidays

    While some of us can’t wait for the holidays to start before snuggling up with their favorite book or surrounding themselves with scented candles as they put on a great movie, others prefer to dive into completely different worlds. I went around my little gamer community to get the best stories about the games my friends play during the holiday season and why. So, grab a mug of your preferred festive beverage and let’s get on with our holiday fairytales. 


  • New Worlds, Warm Greetings and Research: Why We Love Gaming

    Over the years, public attitude towards gaming has evolved through various stages: from complete disregard to careful appreciation. However, in many minds this cultural phenomenon still continues to be a form of entertainment with possibly dangerous side effects and a mostly young audience. We are here today to demonstrate that there is much more to be discussed in the industry that has been rocketing in the last 20 years. 


  • Three Video Games for a Ghostly Weekend

    Happy Halloween! With this spookiest holiday of them all setting the theme for an unusually long weekend, we thought we’d treat to you to our finest selection of eerie video games. These gems are a perfect fit for the occasion: not too long, just enough scary and mysterious, and leaving you with a bittersweet aftertaste of unanswered questions. 


  • How to Get a Job in Game Development

    The long-awaited Russian videogame Atomic Heart is embroiled in controversy. It wasn’t long ago that the game’s trailer racked up over 500,000 views on YouTube – a near-unprecedented number for a Russian game – but some of the game’s developers have anonymously complained of unnecessarily rough management at the studio and constant, unpredictable firings. We spoke to members of the Russian GameDev community, educators, and partners of ITMO University’s Master’s program ‘Game Development Technologies’ to find out if the rumors about Atomic Heart have any weight to them, and how newcomers to the industry can avoid such situations.
