Search by tag «Publication» 153 results

  • ITMO Scientists Suggest Efficient Microfluidic Synthesis for Metal-Organic Frameworks

    Nowadays, metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) are actively studied and used for cleaning and detection purposes, as well as for recording and storage of data. For the most part, they’re synthesized using conventional methods, which require lots of resources. As an alternative, scientists from ITMO’s School of Physics and Engineering suggest a quicker and more efficient method – microfluidic synthesis of metal-organic frameworks using chips. Potentially, it can be used for targeted drug delivery.


  • ITMO Scientists Create Ultra-Broadband Carbon Dots With Biomedical Applications

    Carbon nanodots are a new trend in science, now used in smart packaging, warranty tags and with potential applications in diagnostics and tumor visualization. However, in order to be used in biomedicine, carbon nanodots have to be made visible through the human skin. This has recently been achieved by researchers from ITMO University, the Ioffe Physical-Technical Institute, and North Ossetian State University, who synthesized nanodots with unique properties: they can radiate and absorb light in the infrared spectrum. Such newly developed dots can be used for tissue visualization in medicine. Learn more about the new carbon dots synthesis method and its practical applications in this article.


  • ITMO Scientists Discover Universal Measure to Predict Protein Folding

    Researchers from ITMO’s Infochemistry Scientific Center have suggested an algorithm that can calculate a molecule’s dimensionality – whether it’s 2D, 3D, or an intermediate state. Unlike other existing methods, the new one allows scientists to identify the folding state in biomolecules and track its progress. In an article published in Royal Society Open Science, the researchers described their molecular dynamics-based method and compared it to others, such as the Monte Carlo simulation and the widely used AlphaFold algorithm.


  • ITMO Researchers Suggest All-Optical Data Processing Method Using Heating

    Metal-organiс frameworks (MOFs) are a new class of compounds that is famous for its unique properties. They have been considered a functional material for gas adsorption, industrial membranes, and catalysts; however, researchers from ITMO have gone further and decided to zone in on MOFs’ optical properties. In a recent paper, they demonstrated that thanks to MOFs’ flexibility, these properties can be changed when subjected to lasers. This new effect can pave the way for all-optical data encoding, transfer, and storage.


  • ITMO Scientists Find a New Way to Control Topological States

    A research team from ITMO University, Australian National University, and Tel Aviv University has experimentally demonstrated a new approach to the creation and control of configurable photonic structures with fixed topology. The key lies in the physical properties of resonators.


  • ITMO Physicists Create Unclonable Anti-Counterfeiting Silicon Labels

    Scientists from ITMO University developed unclonable anti-counterfeiting labels, which are based on silicon nanoparticles modified with a laser. It’s impossible to change the color, structure, and location of the particles: these parameters are random, which makes the label safe from counterfeiting. In order to check if it’s authentic, all you need to do is upload its picture into a special program.


  • Farewell to Cavities: ITMO Scientists Develop Toothpaste to Beat Plaque More Efficiently

    Researchers from ITMO’s ChemBio Cluster have developed a mechano-bactericidal toothpaste based on calcium carbonate. Tests have demonstrated that it is two times more efficient than conventional antiseptic toothpastes in removing the bacterial dental plaque that is often at the root of many oral diseases, including cavities. 


  • ITMO Scientists Suggest Way to Control Optical Properties of Novel 2D Materials in Low Temperatures

    We live in a world of portable blood glucose monitors, smart clothes, tiny sensors, and nanometer chips. All of that is not the limit, especially with the appearance of 2D materials based on dichalcogenides of transition metals. However, these materials are still hardly applicable in low temperatures. Read on to discover how researchers from ITMO have suggested this problem could be solved.


  • Flexible Electronics and Sensors: Researchers Develop Improved Method for Copper Micropattern Printing

    Scientists from ITMO University and the Institute of Chemistry of St. Petersburg State University have developed a more affordable and efficient method that makes printing copper micropatterns on a glass surface 100 times faster. The resulting micropatterns can be used  in various devices, such as chemical sensors, flexible electronics, and anti-theft systems.


  • ITMO Scientists Develop Nanostructured Temperature Indicator Based on Carbon Dots and Nanocellulose

    Researchers from ITMO’s ChemBio Cluster and University of Toronto discovered a nonlinear dependence of photoluminescence of carbon dots on the composition of a water and dimethyl sulfoxide solvent. The color of the same dot sample changes depending on the polarity of solvent it is placed in. Thanks to this discovery, the researchers were able to develop a portable wide-range (from -68°C to +19°C) temperature indicator, which can be used to control the storage conditions of chemical, pharmaceutical, and food products.
