Search by tag «Information Security» 54 results

  • Talented School Students Awarded at ITMO University

    On April 18, ITMO University’s Faculty of Secure Information Technologies hosted the awards ceremony for the winners of the сompetition in computer science, computer security, mathematics, and cryptography organized by the Russian Council for Competitions for School Students. The main prize of the competition is a chance to get admitted to ITMO University without entrance exams, and some of the winners are definitely going to use this opportunity.


  • Sberbank’s Cyber-Security Staff on Protecting Bank’s Network Perimeter

    Late February marked the end of “It’s Your Call!” winter school, organized by ITMO University in collaboration with Sberbank. Alexey Voloshchuk, the head of the St. Petersburg branch of the bank’s Cyber-Security Center, and Vladislav Verus, one of center’s staff members, contributed to the school’s program with an open lecture during which they shared some insights into the center’s approach to maintaining the integrity of the bank’s network perimeter.


  • UniverSum Summer School: Competitive Hacking for School Students

    The coordinators of the SPbCTF project held a “Hacking and security” workshop for the participants of the  UniverSum  summer school which took place in Munich from June 27 to July 11. What makes  UniverSum  truly special is its unique educational approach: students are allowed to choose their own educational track. This autumn, SPbCTF will launch a new season of workshops on sports hacking for school children and students of St. Petersburg.


  • Telegram Messenger: a Short Guide to the Hit Russian App

    The Telegram messaging app has reached 200 million active users this March. In Russia, it rivals WhatsApp and other messaging platforms, but is only marginally known in the west. A futuristic network? Chatbots? Stickers? Here’s the scoop. 


  • ITMO Student Team Wins QCTF Starter Competition in Computer Security

    In late February, ITMO University became one of the 30 sites of the QCTF Starter competition. Each year, more than 300 teams from all around Russia take part in the event; this time, 43 teams competed at ITMO only. As result, one of ITMO student teams won the competition and took the first place in the national ranking. Lubov Yurtaeva, the team’s captain, speaks about the competition’s procedure and tasks, and training in hacking offered by ITMO’s SPbCTF team.


  • Science Slam: Dark Matter and Liquid Batteries for Electric Vehicles

    Can we use electric current to check the freshness of foods? What is dark matter? And how do we make a "liquid battery" for electric vehicles? To learn more, read our article about the recent Science Slam in St. Petersburg. This time school students could also take part in the competition. Based on audience votes, the jury chose two winners who were awarded with the main prize: boxing gloves.


  • Information Security Company InfoWatch Opens Training Center at ITMO University

    ITMO University and InfoWatch, a Russian information security solutions company, have launched the ITMO-InfoWatch training center at the university. At the specialized computer room, students will learn to work with the company’s analytical systems. This way, they will learn firsthand from the developer about the modern tools used by one of Russia and CIS’s top IT companies.


  • Artur Khanov: I Can’t Even Imagine A Profession That Gives You This Much Freedom

    On Tuesday, November 7, the registration period for the National student competition “I’m a Professional” begins.This is the first event of such kind in Russia that’s been organized jointly by representatives of business, industry, and universities. The competition is conducted in 27 categories, three of which - computer and information sciences, informational cybersecurity and photonics - are supervised by ITMO University. The winners have the opportunity to enroll in Master’s and PhD programs of Russian universities on a tuition-free basis. We’ve decided to ask some of the recurring winners of professional competitions about creating one’s unique educational path and the opportunities that are not to be missed during one’s university years. Today, we publish Artur Khanov’s story - he is one of the first participants of the CTF movement in Russia, a CEO and Skolkovo resident since his PhD years who’s now successfully combining teaching and working on his personal projects.


  • SHA2017: Summer Camp for Hackers

    Once every four years, a hacker camp is set up in the Netherlands, open to all visitors. This year, hacking enthusiasts from all over the world flocked to a location near Amsterdam. In search of new experiences Oleg Zaytsev, a Master’s student at ITMO University’s High-Performance Computations Department, went to one of the world’s biggest hacking conventions. We talked to him about what makes hacking parties so special and the things that make today’s “cyber-pirates” worried or happy.


  • Project Session at Sirius: Implants, Security and Nano-Shampoo

    This summer, the Sirius educational center for talented children in Sochi has held its usual session on project work, followed by the Nanograd summer school. ITMO University’s team, including specialists and postgraduate students from the Department of Nanophotonics and Metamaterials and staff of Technopark resident, company NT-SPb, took part.
