Search by tag «Main» 2142 results

  • What Are Medical Humanities and Why Do We Need Them

    Why do art historians watch movies about mental health, while those who study history delve into medical prescriptions of the 19th century? We ask Corinne Doria, an expert in Medical Humanities with a PhD in History and a professor at the School of Advanced Studies at the University of Tyumen, and Daria Martynova, assistant at ITMO’s Faculty of Technological Management and Innovation, manager at the Center of Social and Humanities Knowledge, and a PhD student at The Russian Academy of Arts in Saint Petersburg.


  • This Weekend in St. Petersburg: January 16-17, 2021

    2021 is in full steam as we are getting closer to the first weekend when museums and exhibition halls are open in St. Petersburg. That's why in our usual guide on where to go during your two days off you will find installations, exhibitions, and even a magical garden. Click on the prices for each event to get to the page where you can buy tickets. Enjoy! 


  • Speed, Drive and Transformation: ITMO's Daria Kozlova on Inspiration for 2021

    University as a point of attraction, a place that brings together talented people and supports the most daring ideas. An institution that’s rooted in academic traditions but is agile and holistic and always going after the impossible. Fast. That’s the vision that has guided ITMO University’s First Vice Rector Daria Kozlova as ITMO has grown from a strictly technical school to a world-class institution with thousands of students from around the world. We caught up with Daria to talk about what keeps her fired up, and what’s happening at ITMO in 2021. 


  • Eight ITMO Scientists Receive Presidential Grants

    This year’s winners of the Presidential Grant contest for young scientists have been announced. Among them are eight ITMO University researchers.


  • To Infinity and Beyond: How Modern Discoveries Are Changing Our Understanding of the Solar System

    We are used to viewing the Solar System as something well-known – all of us learn the planets and their classification at school – but over the past 30 years many discoveries have been made that changed the way we think about the closest astronomical objects to Earth. The discovery of a new class of dwarf planets, Pluto’s denunciation, the launch of New Horizons and  Voyager, which reached the edge of heliopause to find the Kuiper belt and the scattered disc, water found on Mars and the Moon – all of these milestones demonstrate the limits of our knowledge and point at an abundance of future discoveries.   


  • 5 Dishes To Take You On a Cooking Adventure This Holiday Season

    As we're still mostly stuck at home for the holidays and international travelling opportunities seem indefinite, why not use our leftover free time (as well as some leftover produce) to go on an adventure without leaving the kitchen? Here's our list of meals from all over the world that you can enjoy without bothering your travel agency.


  • Winter Break at Home: Staying Fit, Sane, and Entertained

    With self-isolation strongly encouraged, it falls on all of us to remain responsible and stay at home. But how do you stay fit, active, and in good spirits when spending the winter break indoors? We’ve prepared a round-up of all the great tips on weathering self-isolation, self-care, and keeping yourself entertained at home.


  • 5 Holiday Movies and Series to Binge On

    Happy New Year — yes, we are saying hi to you from our couches to yours! And we're bringing gifts: a list of some freshly-baked, some long-loved, and some to-be-discovered movies you can watch if you are just not ready for that Harry Potter marathon (yet). Enjoy!


  • Greening for Sustainable Development: Highlights from Lectures on Urban Studies

    Recently, a series of lectures on urban studies was held at ITMO’s Institute of Design & Urban Studies within the framework of the elective course UN Sustainable Development Goals and Smart and Sustainable Urban Development.


  • This Weekend in St. Petersburg, January 2-3, 2021

    So, we have two things to tell you. First, this weekend is going to be in 2021 — yay, right? Second, starting today all cafes and restaurants, as well as museums, theaters, and concert halls, will remain closed. But aren't those first few days of January the perfect chance to spend some time inside, reflecting on the past year and setting goals for the one ahead? We've come up with a list of things you can do while staying at home this first weekend of the year. Have fun!
