Search results for «surprise me» 8 results

  • The Experiment: Facing My Fears

    …ecause it’s an off day and because I already have a class in the morning, so I’d be downtown by midday anyway. So, here is the list of things I tried:  Ask a barista for a “surprise me” drink Seems like an easy enough task, right? I thought so, too, which is why I put it first, but on the way to the coffee shop, my heart was beating in my chest like a nervous b…


  • Get to know ITMO’s Russian Language Teachers

    …ers, read books, watch films, listen to songs. Only that way can you truly master a language. In what ways have your students surprised or impressed you? My students often surprise me. For example, one student shared in a class that he had learned the word прокрастинация [procrastination]. He liked this word so much that he gave a presentation about. It’s not onl…


  • Surprise Me Founder Alexander Golovatiy: Developing a Company Is Constantly Proving Thousands of Hypotheses

    …The way to an international platform  Over the first two years of its existence, Surprise Me, founded by Alexander Golovatiy and partners in 2016, was operating only in Russia. Initially, it was designed as a project which offered corporate clients quest-apps that could be used as a way to spend time, have fun with colleagues and for team building purposes.   I…


  • Scientist Evgeny Belyaev on the Challenges of Video Encoding, Limits of Compression, and Future of Streaming

    … do not speak English. Moreover, the local food is too different from European cuisine. On the other hand, there are a lot of interesting places to see and the rate of changes surprise me each time I visit. I think it is hard to deny that Chinese scientific and technological work is very prominent in the world nowadays. Now you work at ITMO University. What led yo…


  • Date Like a Russian

    …to be nice, and I had to stop myself from stopping him. What should you expect when it comes to dating and relationships in general? Here are some of the things that still surprise me: Russian women are always young. There’s no appropriate term to address a female, other than “devushka,” which would generally mean a young girl but, in reality, applies to…


  • Founder of Surprise Me: Managing a Startup is Like Running in the Dark

    …uides and often purchase tours based solely on its author and how similar they are to them. We noticed this pattern and decided to use it to boost our platform by transforming Surprise Me to a kind of social network for travelers. Each author has their own personal profile where they talk about themselves, their interests and favorite routes. We want to give the auth…


  • French Master's Student on Coming to Russia and Differences from France

    …ere is really high. Meaning that if you’ve only got a couple of days to see it, you can still cover a lot of ground since so many sights are right next to each other. What did surprise me is that in a lot of tourist-heavy places, like museums, the staff have a very poor grasp of English. I also want to visit Finland while I’m here since it’s so close. I love travelin…


  • Combining Studying, Work and Business — Alexandr Golovatiy Shares on His Surprise Me Project

    …rything in two weeks, but we still got nothing in a month and a half. Then summer came, everyone parted, and I couldn't gather them until autumn. As of now, six people work on Surprise Me, and they've spend so much time and effort so that it'd be a shame to stop. Why did they agree to work with no pay? First of all, as students they got a chance to put their skill…
