Search by tag «Aira» 2 results

  • New Blockchain-Based System Will Control Quality of Medical and Chemical Products

    Scientists from ITMO University’s international research laboratory SCAMT, together with developers from Aira and information security experts, are developing a system for end-to-end monitoring of the manufacturing of medical and chemical products. The system is based on the lab’s “Nanodoctor” – a chlorine dioxide-based drug capable of neutralizing nearly all viruses and bacteria. Among its advantages are an improved structure that prevents the accumulation of harmful substances during manufacturing, and a new quality control system based on blockchain technology. The project’s concept allows end customers to learn about each of the production stages using a QR code printed on the packaging and make sure that the process occurred without any infractions and the active ingredient content is within the stated amount.


  • Robot Economics: How Industry 4.0 Will Change Our Life

    Have you heard of robot economics? Robot economics is the economics of robotization. People have been talking about “robots replacing people” for a long time, but robot economics isn’t just about the automation of tasks – first and foremost it is a system in which humans interact with robots. This technological challenge can open the doors into a world in which all industrial processes are tracked, deals are 100% transparent and pizza is delivered by drones. Yet this future also comes with many risks and unsolved problems. These were discussed at Airalab’s Robonomics-2017 conference last month.
