EUR-ACE® Label (European Accredited Engineer) is a quality certificate granted by European Network for Accreditation of Engineering Education, which consists of several international departments. Its Russian branch is called Association for Engineering Education of Russia (AEER), which was one of the founders of the Network. The AEER is responsible for increasing of engineering degree programs and tech transfer, assistance in interaction of universities and business area as well as internationalization of Russian higher education.

Here are EUR-ACE® labelled Master Programs  of ITMO University:

  • Metamaterials (supervised by Pavel Belov);
  • Nanomaterials and Nanotechnologies for Photonics and Optical Information (supervised by Nikolay Nikonorov);
  • Optics of Nanostructures (supervised by Anatoly Fedorov);
  • Biological Nanotechnologies: Diagnostic Methods and Analysis;
  • Instruments for research and modification of materials at micro and nanolevels (supervised by Alexander Golubok).

“To evaluate these programs experts interviewed students who commented on advantages and disadvantages of Master programs such as professors` assistance, involvement of chairs` heads, the opportunity to change structure of courses by themselves and so forth. Furthermore, those students who had already tried to find a position shared difficulties that they faced. Professor and lecturers also answered questions connected with course contents,” said Anastasiya Olshevskaya, head of Licensing and Accreditation Department of ITMO University.

EUR-ACE® label is a prestigious certificate, which is awarded only to high grade engineering programs that meet the European standards of higher education. It means that ITMO University gives its` students an opportunity to receive relevant knowledge under the guidance of top-level lecturers and professors.

Ms. Olshevskaya also underlined that the main criterion of program`s quality is career options. That is why the experts evaluate not only programs` structure and professors` competences, but also the involvement of employers in an educational process.