Buying a cup of coffee

When you order a drink at a cafe, you will surely be asked if you’d like to drink it right there or  take it to go. 

  • Здесь или с собой? zdes’ ili s soˈboi (Here or to go?)

To answer, simply repeat the option you prefer.

“(Would you like) anything else?” is another common question to hear when you’re ordering. In Russian, it sounds like Что-нибудь еще? chto-nibud’ eshche. Either say no (нет nyet) or continue your order. For instance, you can ask the barista to add some syrup (сироп siˈrop), sugar (сахар ˈsakhar) or cinnamon (корица koˈritsa) to your drink or get a snack (for example, a bun – булочка bulochka).

Preferably, add “please” (пожáлуйста poˈzhaluista) to be polite.

Kseniia Tereshchenko for ITMO.NEWS

Kseniia Tereshchenko for ITMO.NEWS

Cashier register

The cashier might bombard you with several short questions. Typically, they are the following:

  • Пакет нужен? paˈket ˈnuzhen (Do you need a plastic bag?)

To answer this, a simple “yes” or “no” (да da or нет nyet) will suffice.

  • Наличкой или по карте? naˈlichkoi ili po ˈkarte (By cash or by card?)

If you're paying by card, say по карте (po ˈkarte), and if you’re using cash – наличкой (naˈlichkoi).

  • Баллы списываем? ˈbally ˈspisyvaem (Do you want to use your bonus points?)

Firstly, you’ll probably be asked if you have the store’s loyalty card (Карта магазина есть? ˈkarta magaˈzina yest’). Most supermarkets in Russia have their bonus cards that allow you to save a little bit of money.

Secondly, if you have it, you can either use your bonus points, or let them accumulate. In the first case, say “let’s use them” – списываем (ˈspisyvayem). Otherwise, say “let’s leave them” – оставляем (ostavlˈyayem).

Kseniia Tereshchenko for ITMO.NEWS

Kseniia Tereshchenko for ITMO.NEWS

Asking for directions

Even for native speakers, it’s usually easier to ask for directions than understand the explanation. But let’s give it a try. The most useful phrase if you’re looking for a classroom, a grocery store, or any other location is: 

  • Как пройти в …? kak proiˈti v … (How to get to …?)

Here are some words you might hear in response:

  • направо napˈravo (to the right)

  • налево naˈlyevo (to the left)

  • сейчас seiˈchas right now (as in “right now you should go to …”)

  • потом poˈtom later 

  • идите прямо iˈditye ˈpryama (go straight)

  • там tam (there)

  • за тем домом za tyem ˈdomom (behind that building)

More info

ITMO.NEWS regularly shares tips for learning the Russian language. You can find them using the tags Russian Language and Speak Like a Russian. Here are some essentials: