This mesmerizing blue and green sphere is a flask containing products of synthesis of perovskite inorganic quantum dots. These products are nanocrystals the size of 5-10 nm with a record high quantum efficiency (up to 95-98%). Easily put, it means that up to 95-98% of energy that reaches quantum dots in the UV range, gets re-emitted in the visible range with minimum loss. 

Synthesis of new perovskite nanomaterials with specific composition and form is one of the major fields of research at the Laboratory of Hybrid Nanophotonics and Optoelectronics (PeroLab). At this laboratory, scientists from the Faculty of Physics and Engineering cooperate with world leading research centers.

Hybrid perovskites make it possible to manage both the composition (the radiation length) and the form of crystals (the size of the resonator). It’s a very promising technology for creating compact laser light sources.

PeroLab researchers have already presented the smallest semiconductor nanolaser with optical “pumping” and now they work on demonstrating laser effect on perovskite nanocrystals using electricity instead of optics.