Search by tag «Publication» 155 results

  • Flexible Electronics and Sensors: Researchers Develop Improved Method for Copper Micropattern Printing

    Scientists from ITMO University and the Institute of Chemistry of St. Petersburg State University have developed a more affordable and efficient method that makes printing copper micropatterns on a glass surface 100 times faster. The resulting micropatterns can be used  in various devices, such as chemical sensors, flexible electronics, and anti-theft systems.


  • ITMO Scientists Develop Nanostructured Temperature Indicator Based on Carbon Dots and Nanocellulose

    Researchers from ITMO’s ChemBio Cluster and University of Toronto discovered a nonlinear dependence of photoluminescence of carbon dots on the composition of a water and dimethyl sulfoxide solvent. The color of the same dot sample changes depending on the polarity of solvent it is placed in. Thanks to this discovery, the researchers were able to develop a portable wide-range (from -68°C to +19°C) temperature indicator, which can be used to control the storage conditions of chemical, pharmaceutical, and food products.


  • ITMO Scientists Develop Method to Easily Synthesize Materials With Set Properties

    Researchers from ITMO’s SCAMT Institute have demonstrated the possibility of using the sol-gel method to produce various porous monolithic structures from magnetite nanoparticles. The new method can produce multifunctional materials with complex hierarchical structures, such as the xero-, cryo-, and aerogel of magnetite. Thanks to this approach, it is possible to control the composition of the resulting porous materials through the relation of their compounds’ concentrations. One of the method’s most promising applications is biomedicine – the new aerogel can be used to stop bleeding and xerogel can serve as a repository for drug transportation.  


  • ITMO Researchers Discover New Properties of Metasurfaces Thanks to Ultrashort Pulse Lasers

    A group of researchers from ITMO University, the Australian National University, and the Friedrich Schiller University Jena (Germany) has for the first time demonstrated effective generation of higher harmonics in silicon metasurfaces. This result was achieved due to resonant states with long lifetimes. The new discovery brings closer the creation of attosecond radiation sources based on semiconductor nanostructures. Ultrashort pulse lasers which earned their pioneers the Nobel Prize in Physics in 2018 make it possible to excite and explore very rapid processes in nature and matter. This opens new horizons for understanding ultrafast physics and faster information recording.  


  • Results in 15 Minutes: ITMO Researchers Develop Device to Detect Antibiotics, Bacteria, and Viruses

    In accordance with the standards of flexible electronics, the new testing device is made from hydrogel and liquid metal, while data processing is handled by machine learning algorithms. Currently, the device consists of a potentiostat, an electrochemical cell, and a connected computer, but all the components will soon be a unified system complete with a user-friendly app. How does the device work? And what kind of tests can it already perform? Read on to find out. 


  • ITMO Researchers Develop First-Ever Online Platform For Nanozyme Modeling

    Nanozymes are artificial enzymes made up of various nanoparticles. In contrast to natural enzymes, nanozymes demonstrate all the same properties while being easier to produce and work with. However, the hardest step in developing nanozyme-based drugs and diagnostic systems is modeling the necessary properties of their particles before synthesis. Researchers from ITMO’s SCAMT Institute have solved this task by developing DiZyme, the first platform in the world that predicts the catalytic activity of nanozymes.  


  • Fundamental Holography: ITMO Researchers Develop Method for Printing Holograms in Color

    Scientists from ITMO’s ChemBio Cluster developed a method for printing holograms in color in a project supported by the Russian Science Foundation. At the core of the method are volume Bragg gratings, special films with reflecting properties. The proposed technology is extremely simple and doesn’t require any costly equipment. At the same time it has the potential to help produce full color holograms even on a regular printer. This project is a result of collaboration with Krypten, a scientific production organization specializing in optical protection for banknotes, documents, and trademarks. 


  • Invisible Material: Researchers Model Metasurfaces in Hybrid Anapole Modes for the First Time

    Global trends are leaning towards miniaturization, minimalism, and portability – and that's the case for research, too. These days, metasurfaces are gaining popularity as platforms for super-thin devices equal, or sometimes superior to, their "normal-sized" counterparts. This is achieved thanks to “invisible” particles in anapole modes. Recently, these particles have revolutionized nanophotonics, but researchers from ITMO, Moscow, and Riga went even further and developed hybrid anapole modes. Their new model is more efficient than its predecessors and opens new applications for metasurfaces in optics. 


  • New Plant-Based Drug Testing System to Help Cut Down on Animal Testing

    In the fall of 2019, Aleksandra Predeina, then a first-year Master’s student at ITMO came to Vladimir Vinogradov, head of ITMO’s SCAMT Institute and expressed a desire to make an art & science research project. Two and a half years later, this collaboration has resulted in a unique testing system for nanopharmaceuticals that will make it possible to significantly cut down on animal testing. Read on to learn all about the scientific breakthrough born from a passion for art. 


  • First Time in Such Detail: Researchers Analyze Surface Properties of Spider Web

    PhD students and researchers from ITMO’s SCAMT Institute and their collaborators from the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU) have analyzed the surface properties of the Linothele fallax spider’s silk and how they affect the properties of the material as a whole. The study demonstrates that spider web can be used in both surgery and food packaging. 
