Search by tag «Main» 2155 results

  • ITMO Technopark Resident Among Top Ten Innovative Companies in Education

    A contest to identify the top ten innovative companies in education was organized by Business Priority, the innovation platform of the Roscongress Foundation, with the Ministry of Science and Higher Education, the Ministry of Education, and the Agency of Strategic Initiatives. The winning projects were presented at SPIEF 2021. Among them was a project by NT-SPb, a company that’s been based at ITMO’s Technopark for over ten years creating nanolaboratories for schools. 


  • First Graduates of ITMO and Sberbank’s Corporate Master’s Program in Robotics Discuss Their Projects

    In 2019, ITMO University and Sberbank expanded their collaboration to the field of robotics and this June witnessed the first ever graduation from the Robotics and Artificial Intelligence corporate Master’s program. Students of the program had the chance to take part in a contest for the opportunity to complete their theses at the Sberbank Robotics Laboratory, thus getting access to the company’s mentors and unique equipment. 


  • Powerplace Founders On Their Quick-Charge Module And Future Of Power Distribution

    The startup’s smart module for charging stations can recharge electric cars and scooters several times faster than a regular line supply. Meanwhile, the module’s software offers protection in cases of emergency and an overall increase in the charger’s efficiency.  


  • Understanding Vaccines: Types, Tests, and Choosing the Right One

    COVID-19 vaccination is currently one of the most discussed topics in the world with people closely tracking the number of fully vaccinated citizens in every country. The vaccination campaign undoubtedly has its results: death and hospitalization rates are on the decline, allowing governments to gradually lift pandemic-related restrictions. However, vaccination is still plagued with quite a lot of myths and rumours that result in scepticism towards all vaccines, including those against COVID-19. In this article, ITMO.NEWS and Anton Gopka, dean of the Faculty of Technological Management and Innovations and general partner of the ATEM Capital biotechnology investment foundation, delve into the process of developing a vaccine and explain how researchers managed to produce the vaccines against the new virus so quickly. 


  • ITMO Launches New Corporate Master’s Track in Computer Vision

    For this new program, ITMO University will partner up with Napoleon IT, a Russian IT company whose staff together with ITMO lecturers will train students to work with face recognition, deepfake, and object recognition technologies. The new track will be part of the Master’s program Infocommunications and Digital Media.


  • ITMO.LiVE 2021: The Show Will Go On!

    The ITMO University team has done everything in its power to preserve the event format that’s so familiar and loved by our graduates. And we’ve succeeded! The diploma ceremony will take place at the Peter and Paul Fortress – a place we’ve missed since we were last there two years ago.


  • ITMO.EXPERT Project Wrap Up: Portrait of a Modern Educator

    June 24 marked the conclusion of another year of the ITMO.Expert educational project for professional development and exchange of ideas and practices between ITMO University lecturers.


  • Kazan: The Unique Flair of Russia’s Third Capital

    My list of expectations for Kazan, the capital of the Republic of Tatarstan, was long. But, as usual, the real deal was much more complex and captivating. Here're my impressions from a trip in early June to help you plan your adventure or just learn more about Russia.


  • ITMO’s KronBars Sports Club Wins Megagrant from the Russian Ministry of Science and Higher Education

    The KronBars sports club won 15 million rubles (about $207,000) in the contest run by the Russian Ministry of Science and Higher Education for the best organization of sports activities among higher education institutions. 


  • Lighting Designer Jari Vuorinen on His Projects, Teaching at ITMO, and Importance of Communication

    Jari Vuorinen, a famous lighting designer with more than 19 years of experience, recently joined the international Master’s program Lighting Design at ITMO as a lecturer. He is the head and partner of Lighting Design Collective – an international company specializing in individual architectural lighting and urban environment solutions that employs cutting-edge technologies, digital content, software, and innovative design strategies.
