Search by tag «Main» 2156 results

  • Lighting Designer Jari Vuorinen on His Projects, Teaching at ITMO, and Importance of Communication

    Jari Vuorinen, a famous lighting designer with more than 19 years of experience, recently joined the international Master’s program Lighting Design at ITMO as a lecturer. He is the head and partner of Lighting Design Collective – an international company specializing in individual architectural lighting and urban environment solutions that employs cutting-edge technologies, digital content, software, and innovative design strategies.


  • ITMO University Recognized as Best St. Petersburg University by Forbes

    Forbes magazine has published its fourth annual ranking of Russian universities. This time, ITMO University went up two places and took sixth place. 


  • New X-Ray Detectors, Innovative Skincare and Meditation in VR: ITMO Students Defend Startups as Theses

    ITMO University students have recently presented more than 30 projects in various fields – including IT, FoodTech, and green technologies – as their graduation theses and defended them before an expert board. This marks the second year that this relatively new initiative is carried out at ITMO. Alexander Galitsky, a famous investor and member of ITMO’s Supervisory Council, also attended the defence. ITMO.NEWS visited the event to talk to the creators of the most interesting projects. 


  • This Weekend in St. Petersburg: June 26-27, 2021

    If you are also startled by this nearly unbearable heatwave in St. Pete, so are we! The good news is it’s supposedly already winding down tomorrow, while the weekend is promising to be punctuated by thunderstorms. To make sure you’re all set for the stormy end of the week, here is our usual guide to the best events in the city. 


  • ITMO University’s International Council Explores the Changing Role of Higher Education

    The 14th session of ITMO University’s International Council took place on June 21 via a Zoom call that brought together council members from Australia, Asia, Europe, and North America. It focused on new approaches to defining top-level education, research, and an inspiring environment that would ensure ITMO’s leadership position in the future.


  • ITMO Researchers Developing Safer MRI Technology for Scanning During Pregnancy

    With the current MRI technologies, abdominal scans of pregnant women tend to be complicated by specific artefacts, darkened spots, in the images. ITMO University researchers have devised a way to lower the heterogeneity of the electromagnetic field in order to acquire higher-quality images.


  • ITMO IT Graduates Among Top 3 Highest Paid in Russia

    According to recent statistics collected by the Superjob research center, ITMO University graduates earn on average 190,000 rubles a month already in the first five years after graduation. 


  • ITMO University Launches Its 2021 Admission Campaign

    Starting today, prospective students of ITMO University can submit their application by visiting the coworking and library spaces at the university’s Lomonosova St. 9 campus. Moreover, you can apply online by signing up on the official ITMO admissions website.


  • ITMO Students Will Be Able to Defend their Theses as Scientific Papers

    ITMO University is adding more options for thesis defense. In addition to the Startup as Thesis and Art Project as Thesis initiatives, students will soon be able to defend their thesis as a scientific article.


  • ITMO Family Day Postponed

    Dear members of ITMO.Family!
