About Erasmus+ International Credit Mobility
Erasmus+ is a new EU’s program aimed at supporting collaboration in the field of education, professional training, and sports in Europe in the period from 2014 till 2020. Its main goal is to promote the development of human and social capital in Europe and beyond. The implementation of the program is coordinated by the Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA) located in Brussels, Belgium.
Students from all countries of the EU as well as Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway, Macedonia and Turkey can participate in the program. These countries are regarded as participating countries and can initiate their own projects within the framework of the program. Apart from them, there are also partner countries, such as Russia, the Western Balkans region, the Eastern Partnership, the Southern Mediterranean region, Central Asia, Latin America, Africa, and Caribbean countries, who can participate in the program only in collaboration with a university from a participating country, which, in turn, sends an application to the Erasmus+ National Agency. (Click here to learn about how ITMO University collaborates with European universities.)

Opportunities of the program
The mission of the Erasmus+ International Credit Mobility program is to support academic mobility among students, PhD students, staff and lecturers. For example, for students, participation in the program offers an opportunity to study abroad in the course of 2-12 months depending on the project. Upon successful completion of the program, they receive a transcript of records, which allows them to credit all the completed courses and continue their education at their home university. Young researchers and PhD students can do an internship at a partner university abroad in the course of 2-12 months, while for lecturers and university staff this is an opportunity to work abroad and share experiences with the university’s international colleagues (there are programs lasting from 5 to 60 days).

The best part is that the program covers the majority of expenses. According to the rules of the program, it covers all the expenses associated with transport. Apart from that, each student receives payment of €800-900 a month, while university staff get €140-180 daily.
“Compared to other funds, it’s pretty significant support. What is also good is that all the money is paid in euros, which is very convenient,” says Elena Shumeyko, head of the Office for International Partnership Organizational and Regulatory Support at ITMO University. “The sum of payment depends on the country you choose. The program covers all the expenses associated with transport for all categories of participants. It also implies some sort of a scholarship, which you can use to pay for accommodation, food and other things.”
Where will ITMO students be able to go as part of the Erasmus+ program?
Elena Shumeyko adds that this year, some 50 ITMO students and staff applied for participation in the Erasmus+ International Credit Mobility together with the university’s European partners, universities from Germany, France, Spain and other countries. The first results of the competition were announced on July 1. Some of the applications have already been approved.

According to Sergey Kolyubin, head of ITMO University’s Master’s Studies Department, Master’s students in robotics and lighting design will go to study in Norway and the Netherlands.
“For these Master’s students, the academic mobility program starts in February 2020. It has already been decided that two of our Master’s students will go to the University of Twente. Our young researchers will also be able to go to this university to work on joint research projects with specialists from the University of Twente. The internship will last for 90 days,” explains Sergey Kolyubin.
ITMO University will, in turn, invite the same number of people from the Netherlands. As noted by Sergey Kolyubin, this is a good opportunity to invite leading European specialists, who could give lectures in St. Petersburg and share their expertise.
How to apply?
Candidates for the participation in the academic mobility program are chosen twice a year by ITMO University’s International Educational Programs Office. For more information about the competition, check out this step-by-step application guide. Or read the stories of our students who have already studied abroad (here and here).
Where else can I study?
The final list of the countries that ITMO students and staff will be able to study in the next academic year will be announced in two months.
However, it’s not only the Erasmus+ program that offers students a chance to study abroad but also cooperation agreements with partner universities all over the world. For more information about your options, contact the International Educational Programs Office or head of your educational program.