Search by tag «Optics» 46 results

  • An Electric Shepherd for Electric Sheep: ITMO Researchers Develop Manipulator for Singular Nanoparticles

    Laboratory analysis of singular nanoparticles usually calls for specialized, expensive equipment and a lot of time; now, a new manipulator by researchers from ITMO promises to solve that problem. The add-on fits onto any microscope, doesn’t require any in-depth optics knowledge, and is easy to use. In a few minutes, it picks out a particle from the greater mass and secures it under the lens in a specific spot. The device should prove useful in identifying medical issues at early stages, developing new materials for nanoengineering, and studying the unique properties of particles in fundamental physics.


  • ITMO Researchers Propose Power Regulator for Optical Devices

    A revolutionary approach to managing the state of optical devices was proposed by a group of scientists from ITMO University and the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (MIPT). The researchers managed to control the devices’ power by varying the angle of incidence, thus allowing for more convenient regulation. Optical systems can now be turned on and off the same as lights or electric devices. The findings of the study, conducted within the program Klever, will pave the way for the production of elements for optoelectronic microdevices.


  • Record-Breaking: Tiny Nanolasers for Ultracompact Chips Developed at ITMO

    Physicists at ITMO University have broken their own record for the world’s smallest nanolaser: they were able to decrease the nanoparticle’s size from 310 nanometers to 200 (which is 5,000 times smaller than a millimeter!). The new laser functions at room temperature, while the green light it radiates can be seen through a standard optical microscope. The solution can be applied in the development of fine parts for digital microdevices and wellness trackers, as well as in VR headsets: there, the nanolaser will be able to improve the quality of color rendering.


  • 2D into 3D: Optical Holography Founder Yuri Denisyuk and His Legacy

    Russian science was moved forward not only by great singular minds, but sometimes by dynasties of talented researchers. One such example is the dynasty started by one of the founders of optical holography, Yuri Denisyuk, whose name is still remembered both in Russia and abroad. His son, Igor Denisyuk, chose to follow in his footsteps: he has spent over 20 years working at ITMO, creating high-concentration nanocomposites as well as anti-counterfeiting holograms based on this technology. For this Russian Science Day, we talked with Igor Denisyuk about the path of a scientist, the rise of optical holography in Russia, and ways to develop succession in science.


  • What To See at ITMO’s Museum of Optics This Winter Break

    The building located on Birzhevaya Liniya 14 has a rich history: in the early 1860s, it was owned by the Eliseevsky merchant dynasty, and since the 1920s, it has housed a state optical institution, where a graduate of ITMO University recorded the first-ever 3D art hologram. The structure now houses ITMO's Museum of Optics – the first university-based interactive museum that not only introduces visitors to cultural heritage items but also lets them practically feel the magic of science. Here are the top exhibits to see at the museum.


  • Metaphotonics Review by ITMO Scientists Among Top 1% Most Cited Papers

    A publication by researchers from ITMO and the Australian National University is among the top 1% of the most cited papers on optics according to the bibliometric system Web of Science (WoS). The paper reviews applications of machine learning and AI in metaphotonics, a new subject field that may pave the way for a whole new class of next-gen devices.


  • ITMO Scientists Create Improved Optical Module for AR Devices

    Researchers from ITMO have used volume holography to develop an optical module that is resistant to chemical damage, physical impact, and extreme temperatures. This module, called a combiner, can be used to create industrial-purpose AR glasses or to project interfaces directly onto the windshields of cars and airplanes. Unlike its counterparts, the device is single-layered, which makes it lighter and prevents glare. The project is supported by the Priority 2030 program.


  • ITMO Researchers Develop Simple Technology for Fabrication of Microfluidic Elements on Glass

    Scientists from ITMO’s Institute of Laser Technologies have developed a new technology that creates structured microfluidic elements, including channels, reservoirs, and spirals, on a silica surface. Importantly, the novel fabrication method requires only a laser and a single operator, while the resulting structures can be used in microfluidic chips for biomedical research and diagnostics of cancer, diabetes, and cardiac impairments. The results of the study are described in a recent article in Optical and Quantum Electronics.


  • ITMO Scientists Develop Ultracompact Optical Switch

    The new device includes a structure of single-atom semiconductors and an ultracompact nanoresonator. The switching is conducted with light, via changes in the exciton states in each of the two semiconductor layers. Thanks to its ultracompact size (10 nanometers long and 1.5 nanometers thick), the device can be placed on a chip for use as a logic element in computers for optical information processing. The results of this study, conducted in collaboration with Pohang University of Science and Technology (POSTECH, South Korea), are described in an article published in ACS Nano. 


  • ITMO’s New Lab To Develop Next-Gen Sensors and Associated Technologies

    ITMO’s Infochemistry Scientific Center has recently launched a new lab, where students and researchers will conduct experiments in organic, inorganic, physical, and electrochemistry. There, they will develop materials for next-gen sensors and optics, as well as implement food- and biotech projects.
