Search by tag «programming» 107 results

  • Concurrency In Life - Practical Advice From Roman Elizarov

    Java Champion, expert on concurrency and financial mathematics, member of ACM ICPC contest finals executive committee, one of Devexperts founders - these are only some of the accomplishments of Roman Elizarov, one of the most renowned members of ITMO University and the Russian IT market. Yet, such intense professional activity doesn't make the champion's life one-sided - one can say that Mr. Elizarov has achieved remarkable balance in his personal, professional and social life. In an interview to ITMO.NEWS, Roman shared about how he succeeded in making most of his life, and gave valuable advice to those who only start their professional careers


  • Gennady Korotkevich Wins The Deadline24 Contest

    Gennady Korotkevich, Master’s student at ITMO’s Computer Technology Department, and his team, Roman Udovichenko and Sergei Djgirovskiy from the Yandex Company, won the finals of Deadline24 international contest that took place on April 22-23 in Katowice (Poland).


  • A Specialist in Photonics Doing IT: ITMO's Master's Student Wins the Hackathon in Singapore

    Finding suspicious transactions, creating his own bitcoin, choosing a unique application for a particular client and finally winning the hackathon of Singapore's largest bank DBS - this is the story of Pavel Dmitriev, ITMO's Master's student and engineer at the Department of Nano-Photonics and Metamaterials who is currently doing an internship atSingapore’s Agency for Science, Technology and Research. In an interview to ITMO.NEWS, he shared his experience and explained why a scientist focusing on photonics should know programming, how to not give up after almost everything you've done fails, how to surprise the jury and finally decline a great job offer in order to pursue science.


  • GoogleHashCode 2017: The Results

    The final round of GoogleHashCode, Google's annual competition for students and specialists in the programming field, ended last weekend in Paris. Amongst the participants there were programmers from Europe, the Middle East and Africa; this year, students from several Russian universities, ITMO University included, also took part in the contest.


  • Staying Ahead of Time: ITMO’s New Program of Neurotechnologies

    Electronic devices that restore hearing, bionic prostheses, professional brain-training devices, neural helmets for education and games — as of now, the world's neurotechnology market has reached 180 billion dollars, and, according to experts from the Neuronet branch association, will reach one trillion dollars by 2035. Yet, what are the competencies that a neurotechnology specialist has to possess, and where can one get the corresponding education? Starting with 2017, ITMO University launches a new Bachelor's program on Neurotechnologies and Programming that has yet to have any counterparts in Russia. Read more about the new program and the opportunities it gives in our article.


  • Master’s Student Talks about Her IT Internship in Berlin

    Kamilla Murzanova, student of the Department of Engineering and Computer Graphics, had a three-month internship in Berlin’s INNOTECH Holztechnologien GmbH. She talked about her project, lifehacks for living abroad and shared some curious stories.


  • From Entertainment to Medicine: Programmers Presented their Projects at AI Hackathon

    The AI Hackathon took place in the Higher School of Economics last weekend. Fifty seven teams presented ML, DL and AI technologies for solving medical, financial, social and many other problems. During the hackathon’s finals, 38 teams presented their projects in a three-minute pitch format.


  • ITalented: the New Course for IT Students

    To write a great resume, get a job at one's dream company and, upon becoming a team lead, complete a project every two weeks — most graduates spend years on achieving that, and many fail in process. Is there any way to change that? Surely, — believe authors of the ITalented course organized by ITMO's Personal Development Center that will start on April, 7th. During its two months, representatives of St. Petersburg's leading companies will explain how to present oneself in a new company and complete projects using "soft skills". Maksim Ivanov, one of the course's organizers, shared on what else the students will learn during the course's seven sessions.


  • Bioinformatic Contest 2017: The Results

    St. Petersburg's first contest in bionformatics took place in the end of February, 2017. The contest was organized by the Bioinformatics Institute, and all the tasks were prepared by ITMO's students and graduates. During the two-week preliminaries, which lasted for two weeks, three thousand programmers and specialists in bioinformatics tried to get into the final round, where in just 24 hours they had to reconstruct a metagenome, define an unknown part of a modified DNA strand, and solve many other tasks. Vinaliy Aksenov, ITMO's PhD student and one of the contests coordinators, shared on its tasks and results.


  • Gutenberg’s Lounge: Human-like Intelligence or a Spotless Mind?

    Now robots can write poems, play Go and win as well as make jokes. It seems that they will soon feel like we do and surpass all humans. Alexey Potapov, professor at ITMO and St. Petersburg State University, author of books on AI and speaker of the science popular project Gutenberg's Lounge, shared about how to empower AI, why it is wrong to create AI in the image and likeness of the human brain and how to control "smart" machines.
