Search by tag «Practical tips» 13 results

  • How to Study Effectively: Five Memorization Techniques for Acing Any Exam or Test

    Do you know why Richard of York gave battle in vain and not in rain? And why will you always remember that roses are red and violets are blue? What about a long-lost memory from your childhood brought back to you by a delicious smell from your parent’s or grandparent’s kitchen? Our brain knows a trick or two, and you can harness its power through mnemotechnics for remembering even the hardest material for your tests and exams.


  • Building Resilience and Coping With Stress

    With the ongoing pandemic and increasing distance learning fatigue, this year has demonstrated (and still does) that stress and setbacks are unavoidable. While a bit of stress isn’t necessarily a bad thing, being constantly on high alert can affect both your physical and mental well-being. That’s why we must understand stress and know the ways to manage it in order to lead a happy and healthy life.


  • Venture Investment: What It Is and How to Work With It

    We’ve written down the main talking points of a webinar on collaborating with venture funds for beginners.
