Search by tag «Online learning» 23 results

  • How Do Russian MOOC Platforms Compete With World Top MOOC Providers? Courseburg Investigates

    Can Russian online learning platforms compete with their popular international counterparts? How many users leave online learning platforms annually? And why is there such a low level of participation in digital education amongst Russians? Analysts of the Courseburg Russian online learning platform explored these questions in their latest study, which breaks down data gained from five biggest online learning platforms. 


  • EduEnvi: Education in Sustainable Waste Management in Russia and Kazakhstan

    According to the Ministry of Natural Resources and the Environment of the Russian Federation, the amount of waste from production and consumption in Russia totaled 5 billion tonnes last year. The statistics indicate that only 50% of waste is recovered, and only 7-8% of waste is recycled. There is no waste management system in any of the regions, and existing educational programs in the field of environmental protection are generally insufficient or ineffective. Six Russian and Kazakh universities are collaborating with universities in Finland, Denmark, and Spain to solve this problem. The developers of the project, co-funded by the Erasmus+ Program, are going to launch eight online courses in biotechnologies and waste management. The project will last for three years, and the courses may become part of several universities’ Master's programs.


  • How Online Courses Can Benefit Both Students and Universities

    Online courses are becoming more and more popular these days, both among students and universities, as they allow universities to broaden their reach, gain international recognition, and make the educational process more personal. That’s why the quality of such courses is so important. Andrey Lyamin, head of the Open Education Department, took part in the international Workshop on Curriculum/Module design, structure and quality assurance and spoke about ITMO University MOOCs (Massive open online courses).
