Search by tag «Tips» 39 results

  • Building Resilience and Coping With Stress

    With the ongoing pandemic and increasing distance learning fatigue, this year has demonstrated (and still does) that stress and setbacks are unavoidable. While a bit of stress isn’t necessarily a bad thing, being constantly on high alert can affect both your physical and mental well-being. That’s why we must understand stress and know the ways to manage it in order to lead a happy and healthy life.


  • IT Careers: Veeam Developer on How to Do a Test Task and Get a Job Offer

    Mikhail Bryksin, an ITMO graduate and a Veeam developer, frequently assesses candidates' test tasks. ITMO.NEWS talked to him to learn more about useful hacks, tips, and details to pay attention to when applying for a developer job.


  • How to Rent an Apartment in St. Petersburg

    There are several dormitories available for all ITMO University students, but what if you would prefer to rent your own place? Where do you look for it? What should you keep in mind? See our tips below.


  • How to Write an Article That Will Be Accepted by International Journals

    English became an international language long ago and it is used for publications in leading journals. Being published in them is not only a matter of prestige, but a proof that the researcher is part of the worldwide academic community. It’s not easy to be published in Nature, Science, or Cell, but for a start you can improve your academic English. Inna Anokhina, a senior lecturer at the Foreign Language Training Center and the head of the Academic Writing Lab, and Roman Zakoldaev, a PhD and a junior research associate at the Faculty of Photonics and Optical Information with a lot of experience in publishing papers in international journals indexed by Scopus, discuss how to do it in this ITMO.NEWS article.


  • 7 Tips for Fighting Stage Fright

    Quite surprisingly, 95% of people on Earth have stage fright. This is weird because from our school years, we gain experience with public speaking, starting from writing up answers on the whiteboard,  to presenting our projects in front of the class, participating in conferences, defending theses, attending job interviews and so on. But the fear doesn’t go anywhere. At a webinar organized by ITMO’s Personal Development Center, business coach Tatyana Afanasieva spoke about the nature of stage fright, as well as shared life hacks on how to enjoy public presentations rather than fear them. We’ve written down the main ideas.


  • Five Tips to Help You Stay Productive With Online Learning

    ITMO University students have now spent more than a month as online learners. In these new circumstances, it's important not only to adjust to a new schedule, but to remain physically active, as well. How do you do that and remain productive while staying home? ITMO.NEWS and the Student Services Office answer these questions in this new illustrated series. These tips are sure to come in handy in the future, too; after all, experts are saying that online classes and digital solutions are only going to become more prevalent.


  • 8 Mistakes to Avoid When Starting Your Business

    The workshop “8 Early Mistakes, or How Not to Start a Business” by sales coach Tatiana Vinokurova, which explored the many errors typically made by fledgling entrepreneurs, recently took place at ITMO University. Check out the article below for a rundown of the workshop’s key points.


  • How to Train for Competitions and Why do it Now

    2018’s admission campaign has just ended at ITMO. More than a third of the new students getting tuition-free education are winners and runner-ups of national competitions and competitions included in the list of the Russian Council of School Academic Contests. In order to successfully participate in such events, you have to start training in advance, even as early as in summer. ITMO.NEWS interviewed the university’s lecturers and asked them to share advice on training for competitions in several of the university’s fields of focus.


  • Writing Scientific Articles: Guide For Dummies

    Publishing your results is a vital step in the research lifecycle, as it allows you to get your work seen by the scientific community, and exchange your ideas globally. But writing a scientific paper is not only about creativity, but also about good structure and following some key rules. If you don’t follow these rules, your article may end up being either boring or incomplete, which means that it won’t be cited. Jeffrey Robens, Springer Nature Journal development manager, conducted an open workshop at ITMO University, where he shared some advice on how to write a good scientific article.
