Search by tag «New Materials» 53 results

  • Anvar Zakhidov On His Collaboration With ITMO and METANANO Conference

    In 2016, ITMO's Department of Nanophotonics and Metamaterials received a grant to launch the "Photonics and Optoelectronics of Nanostructured Perovskite Materials" research center. Anvar Zakhidov, a professor from the Texas University in Dallas, collaborates with Sergei Makarov from ITMO's Department of Nanophotonics and Metamaterials as head of its new Laboratory of Hybrid Nanophotonics and Optoelectronics. In an interview with our news portal, the professor spoke about how he got interested in metamaterials, the new technologies for producing perovskite patterns and the laboratory's recent results


  • Solar Panel of the New Generation by ITMO PhD Student

    On one hand, solar panels are a green solution, but on the other, they are very expensive and not very effective. However, cutting expenses on them will increase the popularity of  this alternative energy source. ITMO’s PhD student Mikhail Omelyanovich is working on reducing the cost for solar panels using perovskites and laser ablation. ITMO.NEWS talked to Mikhail about his development.  


  • The "Dream Tasks" of Photonics: Sergei Makarov and Anvar Zakhidov Share about ITMO’s Collaboration on Hybrid Perovskites

    In the end of last September, ITMO University and the University of Texas at Dallas won a big grant, which will be used to build Russia's first laboratory for creating new optoelectric devices based on hybrid perovskites. So, how will the unique laboratory work, what are flexible lasers and is it possible to create a teraherz device that can see trough walls? Learn this and more from our article.
