Search by tag «Biotechnology» 35 results

  • Student Spotlight: Pankaj Kumar, India

    Meet Pankaj, a dynamic student from Haryana (India) with a surprising collection of academic degrees! Inspired by YouTube vlogs and motivated by scholarships, he left a PhD program in India to pursue further studies in Russia. Speaking to ITMO.NEWS, he shares his perspective on the two nations’ educational systems, life as an international student, and his future plans.


  • Student Spotlight: Tugsbilguun Tuvshinbayar, Mongolia

    Meet Tugsbilguun, a soon-to-be graduate of the Master’s program FoodTech, whose journey of academic and cultural exploration has taken him from Ulaanbaatar to St. Petersburg and then… to South Korea! In this interview, we’ll learn about the experiences, challenges, and cultural exchanges that have shaped him not just academically, but also personally.


  • Student Spotlight: Abdullah Sharabati, Saudi Arabia

    When one door slams shut, a thousand new ones open. This has been proven time and again through Abdullah’s story. In search of new opportunities, Abdullah came to Russia to pursue breakthroughs. And guess what, he got exactly that. He claims his life in Russia as a fresh start! What makes him think so? Read on to find out.


  • Student Spotlight: Lilia Tafran, Syria

    Driven by sheer passion for improving the current standards of global healthcare, Lilia Tafran, a student from Syria, decided to learn her trade in Russia. She won a full scholarship from the Russian government and enrolled herself at ITMO’s СhemBio Cluster (SCAMT). Today, we got the opportunity to meet her and learn about her early impressions of ITMO and St. Petersburg. How did she survive the winter and what are her plans for the summer? Read on to find out.


  • Exploring Russia’s First BioArt Lab at ITMO University

    ITMO’s Art & Science Center is now home to BioArt Lab – the one and so far the only laboratory of biotechnological art in Russia. With acclaimed artist and biologist Ippolit Markelov as its founder, the laboratory welcomes not only students of the Art & Science program but also students of other specializations and visiting artists. Learn more about the lab’s research and how you can join below.


  • Student Spotlight: Noviana Haslinda, Indonesia

    Her mother’s passion for biology and her father’s love for ballet have infused in Noviana a unique appreciation for Russia and its culture – enough to bring her here all the way from the island nation of Indonesia. Now in her first year of biotechnology studies, Noviana has already had some interesting experiences in the Venice of the North. Read on to learn a few interesting facts about her homeland and, more importantly, the stories that she has to share about her life at ITMO.


  • Student Spotlight: Meera Alaji, Syria

    Meera Alaji, an international student from Syria, fought against all odds to keep shining and make the best of her opportunity at ITMO. With a great passion for biotechnology and regenerative medicine, Meera aspires to make an impact in the field of therapeutic medicine. How is she transforming her dreams into reality? Let’s learn it from Meera herself.


  • Student Spotlight: Bui Huong Giang, Vietnam

    Hailing from Vietnam, Bui Houng is a fourth-year Bachelor’s student of biotech whose favorite subject is bread technology – the study of different types of bread and how they’re made. Besides studies, she loves fashion design, modeling, and content creation. In this interview, we dive deep into her life and learn about all the memories that she has made over a period of almost five years in St. Petersburg.


  • ITMO Fellow Ahmed Eldeeb on Working in Russia and Becoming a PI at 28

    Ahmed Eldeeb decided to become a scientist when he was still at school. Though his family wanted him to pursue a career in engineering, medicine, or programming, the future researcher was so passionate about biotechnology and DNA/RNA technologies that, eventually, his dream brought him to ITMO University. Now the head of a frontier laboratory at the university’s SCAMT Institute, he develops DNA robots for cancer gene therapy and viral diagnostics. In this interview, Ahmed Eldeeb gives an insight into what it's like to build a lab from scratch and lead a team of 23 as a young PI.


  • Get to Know ITMO’s Food Biotech Specialists

    Baking bread, brewing beer, and making marmalade might sound like a fun way to spend your workday, but their work at the Faculty of Biotechnologies allows our experts to explore the fundamentals of food biotechnologies, functional foods and food storage methods. When they’re not saving the planet from hunger with their innovative research and educating the next generation, they also have their hobbies and interests. So, we decided to get to know some of them in this feature. 
