Search by tag «Consulting» 2 results

  • Startup Consulting Expert Faris Alami: Investors Don’t Invest in Ideas, They Invest in People

    This week, an American expert on education and startup consulting Faris Alami visited ITMO University with a lecture. He talked about how to go from starting a business to its development and technology scaling. ITMO.NEWS met the expert at ITMO University’s business accelerator to find out what makes a successful startup and what leads to failure, how investors pick startups, and why having a lot of relatives is important for a novice entrepreneur. 


  • BigXP: Unique Service, Unique Opportunities

    It often happens that one needs to contact an IT specialist from a particular field in order to get help with conducting a code review, realizing some function, configuring VPN, and such. BigXP is a unique marketplace where IT professionals offer expert services; amongst these experts are top-tier specialists from Yandex, Facebook, ITMO University, and other IT giants from the fields of both industry and education. ITMO.NEWS spoke to Ilya Zelenchuk, one of BigXP’s founders and staff member for the CODA Technologies ITMO-affiliated SIE, to find out more about the novel service.
