Search by tag «Summer University» 2 results

  • Curry and Computer Science: Indian Students Come to ITMO

    Discovering the best vegetarian food in the city, studying computer science by day and enjoying the architecture by night, communicating with the locals via Google translate, treating their neighbours to Indian food, cheering for the Russian team at the World Cup, our new students from Parul University in India have had a few weeks of adventure at ITMO University.


  • Become an AEGEE Member and Travel Around Europe

    AEGEE is a European non-profit organisation that allows students and young people from all over the world to travel with affordable prices in Europe (a trip costs about 100-200 euros) and study at the same time. Anyone aged between 18 and 35 can apply. To learn more about AEGEE, read our article. Now we decided to ask some questions to AEGEE project manager in St. Petersburg and the participants of The Summer University Project about how to get ready for a trip to a Summer University and what to expect from it. The students shared their experience with ITMO.NEWS.
