Search by tag «AI in Education» 2 results

  • ITMO First Vice Rector Daria Kozlova: AI Paves the Way for Personalized Education

    The main purpose of AI in education is not to provide the answers, but to help students find them. And for that, believes ITMO’s First Vice Rector Daria Kozlova, it’s crucial to learn to critically assess information. She expressed this view during a discussion on AI in higher education that was held by the Russian News Agency TASS.


  • Not Just Memes: Education Expert Andrey Komissarov on Benefits of AI in Education

    Searching for information, generating training videos, memes, presentations, and individual tasks – the ways in which neural networks are used in education today are many. But what else can AI do – and can it help create a deeply personalized learning plan for every student? The question was tackled by Andrey Komissarov, a learning methodologist and head of the AI track at SberUniversity, in a recent online intensive course at ITMO University.
