Search by tag «Business» 105 results

  • Samolet CEO Andrey Ivanenko Shares His 8 Steps to Innovations

    Samolet is one of the biggest construction companies in Russia, currently the first in the country in terms of construction volume. Recently, the company has also started producing its own IT solutions for real estate. Why does a construction company need neural networks, what makes the company a tech leader, and how do they introduce innovations into a project? These topics were covered in the lecture by Andrey Ivanenko, the CEO of the company, held as part of ITMO’s PI School for future research leaders. Here are the takeaways.


  • Business-Turned-Thesis: How To Defend a Startup as a Thesis and Make Your First Money

    It often happens that students start looking for a job after graduation: first, they are too busy writing their papers and then, once they graduate, they are unsure about where and how to apply their newly-acquired competencies. There is, however, an alternative scenario. Instead of writing a conventional thesis, ITMO students can launch their own startups and defend them as part of the Business Project as Thesis initiative. The program welcomed 385 students over the past five years, and the most successful ones even received their first investments. Read on to find out why and how to join the initiative below.


  • ITMO Rector Vladimir Vasilyev at SPIEF: Natural Intelligence Is Key to Artificial Intelligence

    The system for training of AI specialists must be built upon new role models rooted in applied competencies. This, in turn, can be achieved through the collaboration of businesses and top universities – commented ITMO University Rector Vladimir Vasilyev at today’s session of the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum (SPIEF). The discussion featured the Russian Deputy PM Dmitry Chernyshenko, as well as representatives of top Russian universities and tech companies.


  • How ITMO Students Created Profitable Businesses in 2 Months

    Within a university competition, ITMO students had two months to devise strategies for using digital transformation to benefit the real estate market. Out of 57 proposals, the university’s lecturers chose the two most thorough business plans, which will receive assistance and become a part of Sberbank’s ecosystem.


  • ITMO’s Monday Science Roundup #45

    Twice a month, ITMO.NEWS looks back on the key science news from recent weeks. Today, we’ll be reviewing a slate of updates from the Infochemistry Scientific Center and hearing the stories of an educator, a researcher, and a student whose successes promise to make the world better, each in its own way.


  • Putting Scientific Ideas Into Business Suits: Lecturer Meriç Biçakçioğlu On Turning Research Into Business Projects

    Meriç Biçakçioğlu, an entrepreneur and academician, has spent several years working with startups and supporting corporate innovation efforts. He helps commercialize and scale ideas – and teaches students and employees of companies to do the same. For four years now, he has been a lecturer in the course International Research Management Essentials at ITMO, where he talks all about turning research ideas into business projects that are accessible to their respective audiences. In this interview, we discussed his area of expertise and the opportunities for future scientists that can be found at ITMO’s soft skills courses. 


  • Highlights From ITMO Supervisory Council’s Session

    Who is the driving force behind university development? How can schools and businesses interact more efficiently and boost their mutual engagement? Do universities need joint product partnerships? And what is in the future for ITMO University? These and many other questions were the subjects of discussion at the recent session of ITMO’s Supervisory Council, which took place in ITMO Highpark on August 29.


  • Finding Support and Investments: A Guide for Student Startups

    Creating your own startup is not a quest for the faint of heart: along the way, you will need to develop your idea and secure investments while avoiding all the common pitfalls. At Startup Aquarium, a recent meetup for budding startupers, investors and entrepreneurs shared their experience with the matter. Here are the main takeaways. 


  • ITMO Student Joins Forbes Russia 30 Under 30 Ranking

    Elena Konstantinova, a second-year Master’s student at the Faculty of Technological Management and Innovations, is one of this year’s winners of Forbes Russia’s 30 Under 30 ranking in the category Science and Technology. Once a year, one of the world’s most influential business magazines highlights people under 30 years old who have made significant contributions to their field.


  • A Greenhouse for Startups: ITMO Accelerator Opens Applications

    The ITMO Accelerator is an initiative that helps young entrepreneurs take their startups through all stages of development, from mere ideas to first sales. Having updated its format three years ago, the project has nurtured over 190 startups. In that time, over 3,700 teams from universities across Russia have applied to join the accelerator – and now is your chance to join, too. Learn more about the project’s opportunities in this article.
