Search by tag «Courseburg» 2 results

  • How Do Russian MOOC Platforms Compete With World Top MOOC Providers? Courseburg Investigates

    Can Russian online learning platforms compete with their popular international counterparts? How many users leave online learning platforms annually? And why is there such a low level of participation in digital education amongst Russians? Analysts of the Courseburg Russian online learning platform explored these questions in their latest study, which breaks down data gained from five biggest online learning platforms. 


  • Do Leadership Skills Depend on Education: Research By ITMO And

    ​Educational online platform and ITMO's Institute of Design & Urban Studies conducted a joint research and found out what education do St. Petersburg's top-managers have and how that affects their careers. Most senior managers get higher education so as to solve some particular problem or while they work. Also, short-term courses and personal development trainings are becoming more and more popular. ITMO.NEWS decided to study it deeper and learn which skills apart from common professional competencies help one move up the corporate ladder.
