Search by tag «DDoS Attacks» 3 results

  • ITMO University Scientists Propose Methods of Detecting DoS Attacks on IoT Networks

    The new techniques will help detect hidden attacks that can paralyze automated production, fire safety, or medical monitoring systems. A paper describing the researchers’ findings has been published in the International Journal of Computers and Applications.


  • Hacks, Viruses, and DDoS: Who Attacks Our Computers and How to Stop Them

    Every day, we produce plenty of data – writing texts, taking personal pictures, making online payments. All of that information can easily be hacked and stolen. What ways are there to prevent that? We dive into data security with Vlad Roskov, ITMO graduate and captain of a top competitive hacking team.


  • ITMO’s R&D Project Results and Their Applications

    Year after year, dozens, even hundreds of ITMO’s students and PhD researchers conduct their research. Their topics are set, teams are formed, projects are created and developed, their results are defended, – but what happens next? Are these results left on a dusty shelf somewhere, or do they find their application in the real world? ITMO.NEWS talked to three project leaders, PhD students and staff members at ITMO’s Faculty of Secure Information Technologies, and found out what’s in store for their PhD theses. 
